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Category Archives: Legislation

Conservative Activist Poured Millions Into Groups Seeking to Influence Supreme Court on Elections and Discrimination

ProPublica – “Newly obtained records show how Leonard Leo, an architect of the right-wing takeover of the courts, has been funding groups pushing to change elections and anti-discrimination laws. Flush with money after receiving the largest-known political advocacy donation in U.S. history, conservative activist Leonard Leo and his associates are spending millions of dollars to… Continue Reading

3 Takeaways About Abortion Litigation Since Dobbs

Brennan Center: “In Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade and held that there is no federal constitutional right to an abortion. This shifted the battle for reproductive rights primarily to the states. Dozens of lawsuits have since been filed under state constitutions and statutes challenging abortion bans, many… Continue Reading

CRS Video Seminars on Disruptive Technologies

CRS Seminars on Disruptive Technologies: Videos – Updated December 8, 2022: CRS Seminars on Disruptive Technologies: Videos – “New technologies, and those that represent an evolutionary improvement of an existing tool or process, that exhibit the potential to have large-scale effects on social and economic activity are often referred to as “disruptive” technologies. They can… Continue Reading

Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act: Data Integration and Individual Rights

CRS Report – Computer Matching and Privacy Protection Act: Data Integration and Individual Rights, December 6, 2022: “Computers and information technologies have increased the amount of data that can be collected, stored, and processed. Computers make it easier to exchange, share, and match data on individuals across programmatic and agency boundaries, enabling the use of… Continue Reading

What Happened at FTX and What Does It Mean for Crypto?

CRS Insight – What Happened at FTX and What Does It Mean for Crypto? – Updated November 29, 2022: “On Friday, November 11, FTX Trading Ltd. (FTX)—one of the world’s largest and most well-known cryptocurrency exchanges—announced that it had “commenced voluntary proceedings under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code” in Delaware. Included in… Continue Reading

National Constitution Center Proposed Amendments to the Constitution

Amendments to the U.S. Constitution proposed at a convention of libertarian, progressive, and conservative professors and scholars on August 29 and 31, 2022: “When the National Constitution Center asked three teams to come up with constitutional amendments based on commonalities among our draft constitutions…The Progressive Team came to the convention with high hopes for some… Continue Reading

Strategic Intelligence Assessment and Data on Domestic Terrorism – 2022

Strategic Intelligence Assessment and Data on Domestic Terrorism – 2022 – “As required by the National Defense Authorization Act, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Director of National Intelligence, have produced this strategic intelligence assessment on domestic terrorism, which includes a discussion of activities, certain data on domestic terrorism matters,… Continue Reading

The End of Roe v Wade and New Legal Frontiers on the Constitutional Right to Abortion

Cohen, I. Glenn and Murray, Melissa and Gostin, Lawrence O., The End of Roe v Wade and New Legal Frontiers on the Constitutional Right to Abortion (July 8, 2022). The Journal of the American Medical Association, published online July 8, 2022, at E1-E2. (2022). Georgetown Law Faculty Publications and Other Works. 2460. DOI No.: 10.1001/jama.2022.12397… Continue Reading

Resources for Journalists Reporting on Abortion

Physicians for Reproductive Health: “Abortion is a nuanced subject that brings together many aspects of our lives: health care, economics, insurance coverage, zip code, families, faith, immigration status, race, and gender. If you’re writing an article about abortion, you can use this resource as a starting place to ensure accurate and compassionate reporting. If you… Continue Reading

What Is the Filibuster and How Can the Senate Reform It?

Democracy Docket: “In June, Senate Republicans blocked a landmark piece of voting rights legislation, the For the People Act. In October, they blocked a revised, compromised version, the Freedom to Vote Act. In November, it was the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act that failed. If Democrats hold a slim majority in the U.S. Senate,… Continue Reading

The clever way some states are trying to reduce waste, boost recycling

Fast Company: “An increasing number of states see an answer in an innovative regulation that tackles trash on the front end, incentivizing manufacturers to make their product packaging more easily recyclable or else pay to recycle it on the back end. The laws, known collectively as Extended Producer Responsibility, or EPR, could, some experts say,… Continue Reading

Data Cartels

Data Cartels The Companies That Control and Monopolize Our Information. Sarah Lamdan is Professor of Law at the City University of New York School of Law: “In our digital world, data is power. Information hoarding businesses reign supreme, using intimidation, aggression, and force to maintain influence and control. Sarah Lamdan brings us into the unregulated… Continue Reading