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Category Archives: Legislation

FCC Launches Development of National Broadband Plan

News release: “The Federal Communications Commission today begins the process of developing a national broadband plan that will seek to ensure that every American has access to broadband capability. In the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 – known as the stimulus package – Congress charged the Commission with creating a national broadband plan.… Continue Reading

Senate Staff Working Draft of Cybersecurity Act of 2009

CDT: “A cybersecurity bill introduced April 01, 2009 in the Senate would give the federal government extraordinary power over private sector Internet services, applications and software. The Cybersecurity Act of 2009 would, for example, give the President unfettered power to shut down Internet traffic in emergencies or disconnect any critical infrastructure system or network on… Continue Reading

Treasury Proposes Legislation for Resolution Authority

News release: “Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Monday called for new legislation granting additional tools to address systemically significant financial institutions that fall outside of the existing resolution regime under the FDIC. A draft bill will be sent to Congress this week…The legislative proposal would fill a significant void in the current financial services regulatory… Continue Reading

GPO Plan for Transparency and Open Government

“GPO is releasing the Public Printer’s Letter to President Obama regarding transparency and open Government. The letter offers GPO’s support in helping to implement the President’s initiative leveraging the Federal Digital System (FDsys). Five goals with accompanying actions were provided that GPO is prepared to undertake to help implement the President’s initiative.” Continue Reading

Labor Department’s Senior Community Service Employment Program grantees to receive more than $118 million under Recovery Act

News release: “The U.S. Department of Labor has issued policy guidance to grantees of the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) for the implementation of an additional $118,800,000 under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act). This critical investment is designed to increase services and training for unemployed, low-income seniors, and to… Continue Reading

Columbia Journalism Review: FOIA’s Hidden Exemptions

Follow up to March 19, 2009 – New Attorney General Guidelines on FOIA Released – CJR: “In a bit of Congressional commemoration, Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont and John Cornyn, his Texan Republican colleague, have introduced S. 612, new legislation that would require any new b(3) exemptions to specifically reference the Freedom of Information… Continue Reading

AIG Employee Contracts Released by House Committee on Financial Services

News release: “During the House Financial Services Subcommittee meeting today, American International Group’s Impact on the Global Economy: Before, During, and After Federal Intervention, Rep. Barney Frank discussed the AIG employee contracts.” 2008 Employee Retention Plan Confirmation and Acknowledgement Schedule to the Master Agreement Related postings on AIG and on the financial system Continue Reading

VP Biden Annnounces Release of Nearly $100 Million in Recovery Act Funding to Support Senior Nutrition Programs

News release: “Vice President Joe Biden announced today that the Department of Health and Human Services will award $100 million in Recovery Act funding to provide meals to tens of thousands of low-income older Americans in need. The funding is expected to provide nearly 14 million meals nationwide…The [American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009]… Continue Reading

Searchable Version of Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008

askSam: “This database contains a complete text of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 also known as the Stimulus Bill or Bailout Bill. It was formerly referred to as the Economic Stimulus Act. This database is fully searchable by division, title, section, and keyword. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (“Stimulus… Continue Reading

ACLU Releases Report On Patriot Act Abuses

News release: “The American Civil Liberties Union released a comprehensive report today examining widespread abuses that have occurred under the USA Patriot Act, a law that was rushed through Congress just 45 days after September 11. In the almost eight years since the passage of the controversial national security law, the Patriot Act has led… Continue Reading

Will Raw Data Feeds on Congressional Activities Finally Reach the Public Domain?

Mother Jones: “By slipping a simple, three-sentence provision into the gargantuan spending bill passed by the House of Representatives last week, a congressman from Silicon Valley is trying to nudge Congress into the 21st Century. Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.) placed a measure in the bill directing Congress and its affiliated organs—including the Library of Congress… Continue Reading