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Category Archives: Legislation

AI State of the Union

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Tuesday, February 7, 2023 – FiscalNote Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: NOTE) (“FiscalNote”), a leading AI-driven enterprise SaaS technology provider of global policy and market intelligence – is leveraging its proprietary AI technology to provide a live transcript of the address in real-time, paired with video coverage and non-partisan automated and human-enhanced analysis to… Continue Reading

The Law of AI for Good

Lobel, Orly, The Law of AI for Good (January 26, 2023). San Diego Legal Studies Paper No. 23-001, Available at SSRN: or  – “Legal policy and scholarship are increasingly focused on regulating technology to safeguard against risks and harms, neglecting the ways in which the law should direct the use of new technology,… Continue Reading

Records Released In Response to Presidential Records Act (PRA) questions under the Trump Administration

NARA: “NARA officials are often consulted about the management of presidential and federal records. The Presidential Records Act governs access to records after the end of an administration. The National Archives received records from the Trump Administration, which ended on January 20, 2021. We are in the process of preserving and providing access to these records, including all… Continue Reading

Hide your books to avoid felony charges, Fla. schools tell teachers

Washington Post – Unsure what titles violate new state rules, two school districts tell educators to conceal every book for now..Students arrived in some Florida public school classrooms this month to find their teachers’ bookshelves wrapped in paper — or entirely barren of books — after district officials launched a review of the texts’ appropriateness… Continue Reading

How the Supreme Court ruling on Section 230 could end Reddit as we know it

MIT Technology Review: “February, all eyes will be on the biggest players in tech—Meta, Google, Twitter, YouTube. A legal provision tucked into the Communications Decency Act, Section 230 has provided the foundation for Big Tech’s explosive growth, protecting social platforms from lawsuits over harmful user-generated content while giving them leeway to remove posts at their… Continue Reading

NIST Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework

NIST AI 100-1 Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF 1.0) January 2023 – “…As directed by the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Act of 2020 (P.L. 116-283), the goal of the AI RMF is to offer a resource to the organizations designing, developing, deploying, or using AI systems to help manage the many risks of… Continue Reading

Two Supreme Court Cases That Could Break the Internet

The New Yorker $ – A cornerstone of life online has been that platforms are not responsible for content posted by users. What happens if that immunity goes away?: “In February, the Supreme Court will hear two cases—Twitter v. Taamneh and Gonzalez v. Google—that could alter how the Internet is regulated, with potentially vast consequences.… Continue Reading

Archives weighs asking past presidents, VPs to look for classified items

Washington Post: “The National Archives is weighing whether to ask living former presidents and vice presidents to review their personal records to verify that no classified materials are inadvertently outstanding, according to two people familiar with the discussions who spoke on the condition of anonymity to detail private conversations. The deliberation comes after the discovery… Continue Reading

Florida teachers told to remove books from classroom libraries or risk felony prosecution

My Sun Coast: “Manatee County Schools Spokesperson Michael Barber confirms that communication has been sent to principals of schools to vet books teachers have in their classroom. In December, House Bill 1467 stated that School Library and Instructional Materials requires school district to adopt procedures for determining and reviewing content for library media centers. This… Continue Reading

Supreme Court Poised to Reconsider Key Tenets of Online Speech

The New York Times: “On Friday, the Supreme Court is expected to discuss whether to hear two cases that challenge laws in Texas and Florida barring online platforms from taking down certain political content. Next month, the court is scheduled to hear a case that questions Section 230, a 1996 statute that protects the platforms… Continue Reading

Predictive Justice in Light of the New AI Act Proposal

Gallese, Chiara, Predictive Justice in Light of the New AI Act Proposal (September 29, 2022). Available at SSRN: or  – “In the latest years, there has been an increasing trend for police forces and judicial authorities to employ predictive profiling technologies in criminal justice, posing major risks to the fundamental rights of citizens.… Continue Reading

The Financialization of Recession Response

The Financialization of Recession Response, Yale Program on Financial Stability, December 22, 2022, Aaron Klein: “This paper analyzes economic policy responses to the COVID-19-induced recession, focusing on the American policy response. Despite widespread political distrust between the two parties sharing control of the government and the timing of the upcoming presidential election, America’s political system… Continue Reading