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Category Archives: Legislation

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: Changes to the Regulation of Derivatives and their Impact on Agribusiness

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act: Changes to the Regulation of Derivatives and their Impact on Agribusiness, By Michael K. Adjemian and Gerald E. Plato, Outlook Report No. (AIS-89) 21 pp, November 2010 “The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act makes significant changes to Federal regulation of the U.S. over-the-counter… Continue Reading

Selected CBO Publications Related to Health Care Legislation, 2009–2010

Selected CBO Publications Related to Health Care Legislation, 2009–2010, December 22, 2010. “In March 2010, the Congress passed and the President signed into law legislation that makes major changes to the U.S. health care and health insurance systems. That legislation came in two parts: the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care… Continue Reading

New on Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Financial Protection Act: A Brief Legislative History Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Financial Protection Act: A Brief Legislative History with Links, Reports and Summaries The “craft” of legislative history construction is practiced with unique and outstanding expertise by law librarian Rick McKinney. This history is designed in a streamlined fashion so as to allow users to more easily check when… Continue Reading

CBO – Estimated Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on Employment and Economic Output

Estimated Impact of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on Employment and Economic Output From July 2010 Through September 2010, November 24, 2010 The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) contains provisions that are intended to boost economic activity and employment in the United States. Section 1512(e) of the law requires the Congressional… Continue Reading

CRS: Water Infrastructure Projects Designated in EPA Appropriations: Trends and Policy Implications

Water Infrastructure Projects Designated in EPA Appropriations: Trends and Policy Implications, Claudia Copeland, Specialist in Resources and Environmental Policy, October 28, 2010 “Congressional action to designate funds within appropriations legislation for specified projects or locations has been increasing in recent years as a way to help communities meet needs to build and upgrade water infrastructure… Continue Reading

CRS: The Status of the Basel III Capital Adequacy Accord

The Status of the Basel III Capital Adequacy Accord, Walter W. Eubanks, Specialist in Financial Economics, October 28, 2010 “The new Basel Capital Adequacy Accord (Basel III) is of concern to Congress mainly because it could put U.S. financial institutions at a competitive disadvantage in world financial markets. The Basel capital accord is an agreement… Continue Reading

New on – "The FDsys": the new GPO Access

“The FDsys”: the new GPO Access – “GPO Access will be going away soon as the U.S. Government Printing Office rolls out the Federal Digital System (FDsys), an advanced digital system that will enable GPO to manage Government information from all three branches of the U.S. Government. Learn about the new system and its features,… Continue Reading

SEC Proposes Rules on Security-Based Swap Reporting

Fact Sheet: “The Securities and Exchange Commission today voted unanimously to propose new rules entailing how security-based swap transactions should be reported and publicly disseminated. The rules are proposed under Title VII of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, which generally authorizes the SEC to regulate security-based swaps. The proposed rules (Regulation… Continue Reading

CBO: Preliminary Analysis of the Rivlin-Ryan Health Care Proposal

A Long-Term Plan for Medicare and Medicaid, Alice Rivlin and Paul Ryan, November 17, 2010 Preliminary Analysis of the Rivlin-Ryan Health Care Proposal, November 17, 2010: “Congressman Ryan and his staff recently provided specifications for a proposal that would substantially change federal payments under the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Although an extensive analysis of that… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve issues proposal to implement Volcker Rule conformance period

“The Board is requesting comment on a proposed rule that would implement the conformance period during which banking entities and nonbank financial companies supervised by the Board must bring their activities and investments into compliance with the prohibitions and restrictions on proprietary trading and relationships with hedge funds and private equity funds imposed by section… Continue Reading