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Category Archives: Legislation

Canada’s Proposed Antiterrorism Act

Via Darlene Fichter [who notes a key difference between Canadian and US legislation is no oversight body]  postings by Canadian law professors Craig Forcese and Kent Roach – [Note – Prof. Forcese also posts on national security issues here.] “Parliamentary committee hearings on bill C-51 begin next week. We have created a table consolidating recommended… Continue Reading

Freedom of Information Act Legislation in the 114th Congress: Issue Summary and Side-by- Side Analysis

CRS Report – Freedom of Information Act Legislation in the 114th Congress: Issue Summary and Side-by-Side Analysis. Daniel J. Richardson, Research Assistant, Wendy Ginsberg, Analyst in American National Government. February 26, 2015. “Both the House and Senate are currently considering legislation that would make substantive changes to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). FOIA was… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve releases results of supervisory bank stress tests

“The largest U.S.-based bank holding companies continue to build their capital levels and to strengthen their ability to lend to households and businesses during a period marked by severe recession and financial market volatility, according to the results of supervisory stress tests announced by the Federal Reserve on Thursday. The most severe hypothetical scenario projects… Continue Reading

14 Consumer Groups Outline Shortcomings In WH Privacy Legislation

“Consumer Watchdog today joined 13 other public interest groups in a letter to President Obama outlining the shortcomings of the draft Consumer Privacy Bill Of Rights Act and pledging to work with the Administration and Congress to strengthen the “In 2 2012, you released your vision of the founding principles of consumer privacy — the… Continue Reading

CRS – Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons

Nonstrategic Nuclear Weapons, Amy F. Woolf, Specialist in Nuclear Weapons Policy. February 23, 2015. “The FY2013 Defense Authorization Act (H.R. 4310, Section 1037) indicated that it is the sense of Congress that “the United States should pursue negotiations with the Russian Federation aimed at the reduction of Russian deployed and nondeployed nonstrategic nuclear forces.” The… Continue Reading

Legislation to Facilitate Cybersecurity Information Sharing: Economic Analysis

Legislation to Facilitate Cybersecurity Information Sharing: Economic Analysis. N. Eric Weiss, Specialist in Financial Economics. February 23, 2015. “Data breaches, such as those at Target, Home Depot, Neiman Marcus, JPMorgan Chase, and Anthem, have affected financial records of tens of millions of households and seem to occur regularly. Companies typically respond by trying to increase… Continue Reading

The Demographic Evolution of the American Electorate, 1974–2060

States of Change – The Demographic Evolution of the American Electorate, 1974–2060, Ruy Teixeira, William H. Frey, and Robert Griffin. February 2015. 10 big trends that are transforming America – “Trend 1 of 10: The rise of majority-minority and near-majority-minority states – The scale of race-ethnic transformation in the United States is stunning. In 1980,… Continue Reading

A Guide to the Supreme Court Argument in King v. Burwell

Kaiser Family Foundation – “On March 4, 2015, the Supreme Court will hear oral argument in King v. Burwell, a case challenging the availability of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) premium subsidies in states with a Federally-run Marketplace (including states with a Federally-facilitated Marketplace (FFM) and states with a Partnership Marketplace). In addition to expanding… Continue Reading

EPIC Challenges Samsung’s Surveillance of the Home, Files FTC Complaint

“EPIC has filed a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission about Samsung’s SmartTvs. “Samsung routinely intercepts and records the private communications of consumers in their homes,” EPIC wrote. EPIC detailed widespread consumer objections and charged that “privacy notices” do not diminish the harm to American consumers. In setting out the privacy violations, EPIC cited the… Continue Reading

No Paperwhite read-aloud for you! FCC again lets Amazon and friends diss people with disabilities

New on LLRX – No Paperwhite read-aloud for you! FCC again lets Amazon and friends diss people with disabilities.   David Rothman continues his reporting on the status of Text to Speech applications that have yet to be added to E-Ink readers due to the FCC’s extension of vendor exemptions from complying with a key benefit… Continue Reading

2013 Toxic Release Inventory National Analysis

“Tens of thousands of chemicals are used by industries and businesses in the United States to make the products on which our society depends, such as pharmaceuticals, clothing, and automobiles. Many of the chemicals needed to create these products are toxic, and while the majority of toxic chemicals are managed so that they are not… Continue Reading