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Category Archives: Legislation

CRS – The 2015 National Security Strategy

The 2015 National Security Strategy: Authorities, Changes, Issues for Congress – Nathan J. Lucas, Coordinator Section Research Manager; Kathleen J. McInnis Analyst in International Security. February 26, 2016, “The Obama Administration released a new National Security Strategy (NSS) on February 6, 2015. It was the second NSS document to be published by the Administration; the… Continue Reading

France first country to ban supermarket food waste

News from “France has become the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food, forcing them instead to donate it to charities and food banks. Under a law passed unanimously by the French senate, as of Wednesday large shops will no longer bin good quality food approaching… Continue Reading

Provisional Information Technology Modernization Plan and Cost Analysis

“The U.S. Copyright Office has prepared a Provisional Information Technology Modernization Plan and Cost Analysis at the direction of the House Committee on Appropriations. See H. Rep. No. 114-110 (2015). The Committee directed the Register to advise on the IT upgrades, with a cost estimate, that are “required for a 21st century copyright organization.” The… Continue Reading

The Potential Effect of Offering Lump Sums in the Social Security Program

“It’s a fiscal Sword of Damocles hanging over America’s future: If no changes are made to the way we operate and finance the Social Security system, its trust fund will run dry around 2033, after which the program will have to pay for itself through ongoing payroll taxes. Those will only be sufficient to cover… Continue Reading

GPO and LC to make bill status info in XML format available in bulk data repository

“The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has partnered with the Library of Congress (LOC) to make bill status information in XML format available through GPO’s Bulk Data repository on govinfo ( for the 113th and 114th Congresses.  Bill status information, which is created by LOC and Congress, describes the activities and status steps for each… Continue Reading

Encryption and Evolving Technology: Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement Investigations

Via FAS – CRS Report – Encryption and Evolving Technology: Implications for U.S. Law Enforcement Investigations, Kristin Finklea Specialist in Domestic Security February 18, 2016. “Because modern-day criminals are constantly developing new tools and techniques to facilitate their illicit activities, law enforcement is challenged with leveraging its tools and authorities to keep pace. For instance,… Continue Reading

CBO, the Budget Process, and the Outlook

Presentation by Keith Hall, CBO Director, at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, February 23, 2016: “Since 1975, CBO has produced nonpartisan analyses of budgetary and economic issues to support the Congressional budget process. Each year, the agency’s economists and budget analysts produce dozens of reports and hundreds of cost estimates… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – State Legal Information Census: An Analysis of Primary State Legal Information

State Legal Information Census: An Analysis of Primary State Legal Information – This report by Sarah Glassmeyer presents findings from a survey of state level primary legal information. Primary legal information includes code (codified statutes passed by state legislatures), regulations (codified collections of rules passed by administrative agencies) and case law (appellate court decisions). This… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Missile Defense, Transportation Security

Missile Defense: Assessment of DOD’s Reports on Status of Efforts and Options for Improving Homeland Missile Defense, GAO-16-254R: Published: Feb 17, 2016. Publicly Released: Feb 17, 2016: “Although DOD’s reports described the benefits of the Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA) ongoing efforts to improve homeland missile defense, GAO found that MDA faces risks and challenges pursuing… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Web Data Extractors 2016

Via – Web Data Extractors 2016 – Extracting data from the internet has become an increasingly high priority for organizations with teams that focus on mining and leveraging huge amounts of data as part of an effective, collaborative and actionable work product. Tools and protocols to extract content rich information are in demand as… Continue Reading

After Google Spain and Charlie Hebdo: The Continuing Evolution of European Union Data Privacy Law in a Time of Change

Voss, W. Gregory, After Google Spain and Charlie Hebdo: The Continuing Evolution of European Union Data Privacy Law in a Time of Change (January 6, 2016). Business Lawyer, Vol. 71, No. 1, 2015/2016. Available for download at SSRN: “This article investigates various developments over that year that helped (or are helping) reshape European Union… Continue Reading

Wikimedia Foundation removes Diary of Anne Frank due to copyright law requirements

Wikimedia Blog – [February 10, 2016], “in an unfortunate example of the overreach of the United States’ current copyright law, the Wikimedia Foundation removed the Dutch-language text of The Diary of a Young Girl—more commonly known in English as the Diary of Anne Frank—from Wikisource. We took this action to comply with the United States’… Continue Reading