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Category Archives: Legal Research

Ebook: Legal Knowledge and Information Systems

JURIX 2024: The Thirty-seventh Annual Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, 11-13 December 2024 – Series Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Volume 395. Published 2024. Editors Jaromir Savelka, Jakub Harasta, Tereza Novotna, Jakub Misek. ISBN 978-1-64368-562-5 (online) Open Access. “Description – In the research community and the legal industry, interest continues to grow in technological advances… Continue Reading

Searchable archive of DOJ Civil Rights Division reports and findings letters

Tyler McBrien. DOJ Police Department Pattern or Practice Reports and Findings Letters. A searchable archive of the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division reports from investigations into patterns and practices of excessive force, biased policing, and other unconstitutional practices by law enforcement. Continue Reading

Deportation Defense Manual

“The purpose of this manual is to provide information, resources and a guide to create a plan of action to protect targeted communities against hyper enforcement perpetuated by ICE (“la Migra”). It is important to remember when we act together, we have the power to protect one another even when immigration laws and agents do… Continue Reading

Capitol Riot Insurrectionists Networks

Capitol Riot Insurrectionists Networks – Mapping the networks of the more than 1,500 individuals who have been arrested, charged or subpoenaed in connection to the Capitol Riot on January 6th. The Capitol Riot Map incorporates research and data from several sources, including from government agencies, research organizations, academics institutions, and crowdsourced projects. Users may search for… Continue Reading

Everybody Loves FRED: How America Fell for a Data Tool

The New York Times [gift article] – “From Facebook political debates to college classrooms, the St. Louis Fed’s data tool has gained a major following. Fans post about him on social media. Swag bearing his name sells out on the regular. College professors dedicate class sessions and textbook sections to him. Foreign government officials have… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, December 7, 2024

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, December 7, 2024 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, finance, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the… Continue Reading

How Much Do I Need to Change My Face to Avoid Facial Recognition?

Gizmodo: “Our biometric data is freely available to anybody with an AI model and a camera. Facial recognition software is such a pervasive technology that we submit our data whenever we go through airport security or walk into a drug store. You start to wonder if it’s possible to hide our facial features or—on the extreme end—change our… Continue Reading

CFPB Orders Federal Supervision of Google Following Contested Designation

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today published an order establishing supervisory authority over Google Payment Corp. The CFPB is responsible for supervising a wide range of financial firms to ensure they are complying with federal consumer financial protection laws. The CFPB has supervised nonbank entities in certain industries like mortgage and payday lending, service… Continue Reading

America’s Phone Networks Could Soon Face Financial and Criminal Penalties for Insecure Networks

The head of America’s FCC “has drafted plans to regulate the cybersecurity of telecommunications companies,” reports the Washington Post [via MSN]and the plans could include financial penalties phone network operators with insufficient security — “the first time the agency has asserted such powers under federal wiretapping law.” Rosenworcel said the FCC’s authority in this matter… Continue Reading

The Global Fishing Legislative Database

Ian Urbina, The Outlaw Ocean Project: “If you don’t know the rules, it’s tough to determine whether they’ve been broken. And yet, there isn’t a central spot online where a journalist or researcher can find the rules that apply in a given countries’ waters. This tool, called The Global Fishing Legislative Database, is meant to… Continue Reading

Delete all your tweets for free with Cyd

Wired: “Michah Lee wants to help you achieve that same cleansing release. Today, he launched Cyd—an acronym for “Claw back Your Data”—a desktop application designed to give users more control over their X history: archiving it, trimming it to their preferences, or destroying it altogether. In the free version of Cyd, the program allows anyone… Continue Reading