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Category Archives: Legal Research

You should be using an RSS reader

Pluralistic: “…RSS (one of those ancient internet acronyms with multiple definitions, including, but not limited to, “Really Simple Syndication”) is an invisible, automatic way for internet-connected systems to public “feeds.” For example, rather than reloading the Wired homepage every day and trying to figure out which stories are new (their layout makes this very hard… Continue Reading

FTC Final “Click-to-Cancel” Rule Making It Easier to End Recurring Subscriptions, Memberships

“The Federal Trade Commission today announced a final “click-to-cancel” rule that will require sellers to make it as easy for consumers to cancel their enrollment as it was to sign up. Most of the final rule’s provisions will go into effect 180 days after it is published in the Federal Register. “Too often, businesses make… Continue Reading

How social media distorts perceptions of norms

Claire E. Robertson, Kareena S. del Rosario, Jay J. Van Bavel, Inside the funhouse mirror factory: How social media distorts perceptions of norms, Current Opinion in Psychology, Volume 60, 2024, 101918, ISSN 2352-250X,  “The current paper explains how modern technology interacts with human psychology to create a funhouse mirror version of social norms. We… Continue Reading

Law and Technological Innovations: Three Reasons to Pause

Smith, Michael L., (September 04, 2024). 12 Belmont Law Review (Forthcoming 2025), Available at SSRN: or – “Faced with optimistic accounts of technological innovations, businesses, law firms, and governments face pressure to rush into adopting these technologies and enjoying the increased efficiency, reduced costs, and other benefits that are promised. This essay sets… Continue Reading

Marching Toward Violence: The Domestic Anti-Israeli Protest Movement

Over 150 groups involved in the disruptive anti-Israel protests on college campuses and elsewhere in the United States are “pro-terrorism.” The vast majority support Hamas and/or the October 7 terrorist attacks. The movement contains militant elements pushing it toward a wider, more severe campaign focused on property destruction and violence properly described as domestic terrorism.… Continue Reading

Google’s Illuminate PDFs to Podcasts

Joshua Kubicki – This video gives a quick overview of Google’s latest experimental tool called Illuminate, which transforms research papers into audio content. It’s similar to Google’s Notebook LM, but instead of turning documents into cheery upbeat podcast-like experience, it creates more of an audiobook or “micro-audiobook” for research papers. The video walks viewers through… Continue Reading

Stop Raking Leaves, the Carbon Sink in Your Yard Needs Help

Legacy effects of long-term autumn leaf litter removal slow decomposition rates and reduce soil carbon in suburban yards,” published February 22, 2024, in the journal Plants, People, Planet. “By now, most people probably know that driving less and using energy efficient appliances reduces carbon dioxide emissions, and that carbon dioxide is one of the major… Continue Reading

The Civil Rights Implications of Federal Use of Facial Recognition Technology

The Civil Rights Implications of the Federal Use of Facial Recognition Technology. September 19, 2024. Meaningful federal guidelines and oversight for responsible FRT use have lagged behind the application of this technology in real-world scenarios. With the advent of biometric technology and its widespread use by both private and government entities, the Commission studied how… Continue Reading

GPO Makes Available Thousands of New US Congressional Serial Set Volumes

U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has added more than 3,000 volumes of the Congressional Serial Set containing more than 45,000 individual documents and reports to GPO’s GovInfo, the one-stop site for authentic, published information for all three branches of the Federal Government. This comes as part of a multi-year effort with the Library of Congress… Continue Reading

Comics art against Project 2025

“Project 2025 is a detailed plan to shut you up, and shut you out. You matter, and you have a voice. Project 2025, also known as “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise,” is a document created to be a roadmap for a second Donald Trump presidency. It was prepared by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation and… Continue Reading