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Category Archives: Knowledge Management

Daniel Kahneman: Putting Your Intuition on Ice

Via Shane Parrish – Daniel Kahneman: Putting Your Intuition on Ice [The Knowledge Project Ep. #68]  – Psychologist and Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman reveals the actions we can take to overcome the biases that cripple our decision-making, damper our thinking, and limit our effectiveness. Listen and Learn from the master. Listen and Learn: YouTube | Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Transcript Continue Reading

How to make your AI-generated content sound more human

Search Engine Land – Leverage AI like ChatGPT to generate more human-sounding long-form content. “Refine prompts with details to produce engaging articles. Generative AI tools like ChatGPT can create content, but it doesn’t always sound natural. The content can come across as dull or robotic without the right guidance. Fortunately, there are techniques you can… Continue Reading

Here’s why AI search engines really can’t kill Google

The Verge: “AI is coming for the search business. Or so we’re told. As Google seems to keep getting worse, and tools like ChatGPT, Google Gemini, and Microsoft Copilot seem to keep getting better, we appear to be barreling toward a new way to find and consume information online. Companies like Perplexity and are… Continue Reading

8 charts on technology use around the world

“While internet use is nearly ubiquitous in many countries, not everyone is online. Divides still exist on technology usage between people in some advanced economies and those in some emerging economies, according to Pew Research Center data from 27 countries in 2022 and 2023. Smartphone ownership and social media use also vary around the world.… Continue Reading

America splintering into more than a dozen news bubbles

Axios: “Shards of glass: Inside media’s 12 splintering realities – You can’t understand November’s election — or America itself — without reckoning with how our media attention has shattered into a bunch of misshapen pieces. Think of it as the shards of glass phenomenon. Not long ago, we all saw news and information through a… Continue Reading

New evidence suggests dogs may ‘picture’ objects in their minds, similarly to people

PopSci: “When a dog follows a command or fetches a ball, it’s hard to know what’s really going on inside its canine cranium. Do dogs understand and respond to tone of voice, the syllables of words, accompanying hand motions and body language, or just the situational context? Behavioral studies have offered some clues, but new… Continue Reading

Supreme Court Ideology and the Press

Andersen Jones, RonNell and West, Sonja, Supreme Court Ideology and the Press (March 15, 2024). University of Georgia School of Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2024-3, Available at SSRN: or “Among the elected branches and the broader public, positivity toward the press skews deeply ideological. The data make clear that most liberals… Continue Reading

Review – Law Democratized: A Blueprint For Solving The Justice Crisis

Via LLRX – Review – Law Democratized: A Blueprint For Solving The Justice Crisis – Jerry Lawson rhetorically asks Is anyone in the country better qualified than Renee Knake Jefferson to write about access to justice? Professor of Law at the University of Houston, co-reporter for the ABA Commission on the Future of Legal Services,… Continue Reading

Claude 3 Generated a Law Review Article

Via Sarah Gotschall, LinkedIn: Claude 3 Generated a Law Review Article – “While taking a break from writing memos and analyzing news articles, Claude 3 wrote a law review article on a randomly chosen topic – Bloodlines Over Merits: Exposing the Discriminatory Impact of Legacy Preferences in College Admissions. I gave old Claude a fancier… Continue Reading

General Motors Quits Sharing Driving Behavior With Data Brokers

“General Motors said Friday that it had stopped sharing details about how people drove its cars with two data brokers that created risk profiles for the insurance industry. The decision followed a New York Times report this month that G.M. had, for years, been sharing data about drivers’ mileage, braking, acceleration and speed with the… Continue Reading

Keep Up With Claude 3: It Reads and Analyzes So You Don’t Have To!

Via LLRX – Keep Up With Claude 3: It Reads and Analyzes So You Don’t Have To! – Discover the power of Claude 3, the AI-powered news analyst that can help you stay on top of the news without spending hours sifting through articles and podcasts. Sarah Gotschall recently put Claude 3 to the test by… Continue Reading