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Category Archives: Knowledge Management

American Bar Association’s Task Force for American Democracy

“The American Bar Association’s Task Force for American Democracy released an analysis today outlining the critical role lawyers must play in restoring trust in our democracy by “upholding the rule of law, ensuring that laws are applied equally to all citizens and that government actions are subject to judicial review, leading to accountability, transparency and… Continue Reading

Microsoft Dynamics 365 called out for ‘worker surveillance’

The Register: “Microsoft Dynamics 365 provides “field service management” that allows customers to monitor mobile service workers through smartphone apps – allegedly to the detriment of their autonomy and dignity. According to a probe by Cracked Labs – an Austrian nonprofit research group – the software is part of a broader set of applications that… Continue Reading

To preserve their work and drafts of history journalists take archiving into their own hands

NiemanLabs – From loading up the Wayback Machine to meticulous AirTables to 72 hours of scraping, journalists are doing whatever they can to keep their clips when websites go dark: “When news sites shut down, those sites’ owners often don’t prioritize the preservation of the content. MTV pulled down MTV News in June. After Deadspin… Continue Reading

A CIO canceled a Microsoft AI deal

Business Insider – The reason should worry the entire tech industry. [unpaywalled] “AI models and tools look great when researchers measure success with their own wonky benchmarks. When paying customers try this technology in the real world, things can get ugly. That’s what happened when an IT executive at a pharmaceutical company tried out Microsoft’s… Continue Reading

Access to Justice as Access to Data

Rostain, Tanina, Access to Justice as Access to Data (July 25, 2024). Forthcoming in the Northwestern Law Review, Volume 119, 2024., Georgetown University Law Center Research Paper Forthcoming, (2024). Georgetown Law Faculty Publications and Other Works. 2619., Available at SSRN: or This Keynote Address, delivered in celebration of the launch of SCALES, discusses… Continue Reading

OpenStreetMap provides map data for thousands of websites, mobile apps, and hardware devices

OpenStreetMap is built by a community of mappers that contribute and maintain data about roads, trails, cafés, railway stations, and much more, all over the world. OpenStreetMap emphasizes local knowledge. Contributors use aerial imagery, GPS devices, and low-tech field maps to verify that OSM is accurate and up to date. OpenStreetMap’s community is diverse, passionate,… Continue Reading

The AI Search War Has Begun

Follow up to Perplexity is cutting checks to publishers following plagiarism accusations See also The Atlantic [unpaywalled] – And tech companies might not be the winners. “Every second of every day, people across the world type tens of thousands of queries into Google, adding up to trillions of searches a year. Google and a few… Continue Reading