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Category Archives: Knowledge Management

Proton launches an end-to-end encrypted password manager

The Verge: “Proton, the company behind Proton Mail, has announced the launch of a new password manager: Proton Pass [beta]. While the service will eventually become free for everyone to use, it’s currently only available as a beta to Proton’s Lifetime and Visionary users for now. As is the case with Proton’s other products, Proton… Continue Reading

Rare-earth mining

Rare-earth mining. “Shuang-Liang Liu et al. have compiled a dataset of 146 mining projects targeting rare-earth elements, which serve as “critical raw materials in many low-carbon technologies.” The dataset lists each project’s name, company, location, status, deposit type, estimated tonnage of deposits, element composition, and other details sourced from “company annual reports and public presentations,… Continue Reading

Inside the secret list of websites that make AI like ChatGPT sound smart

Washington Post: “AI chatbots have exploded in popularity over the past four months, stunning the public with their awesome abilities, from writing sophisticated term papers to holding unnervingly lucid conversations. Chatbots cannot think like humans: They do not actually understand what they say. They can mimic human speech because the artificial intelligence that powers them… Continue Reading

Why universities should return to oral exams in the AI and ChatGPT era

The Conversation: “Imagine the following scenario. You are a student and enter a room or Zoom meeting. A panel of examiners who have read your essay or viewed your performance, are waiting inside. You answer a series of questions as they probe your knowledge and skills. You leave. The examiners then consider the preliminary pre-oral… Continue Reading

The State of Scholarly Metadata: 2023

‘In late 2022, CCC and Media Growth Strategies undertook a thorough examination of metadata management across the research lifecycle. This in-depth review builds on an existing body of work to uncover multiple policy and system complexities and breakages, which – separately and together – create missed opportunities for the communities for whom Open Access (OA)… Continue Reading

AI Incident Database

AID: “Intelligent systems are currently prone to unforeseen and often dangerous failures when they are deployed to the real world. Much like the transportation sector before it (e.g., FAA and FARS) and more recently computer systems, intelligent systems require a repository of problems experienced in the real world so that future researchers and developers may… Continue Reading

Inside the secret list of websites that make AI chatbots sound smart

Washington Post: “AI chatbots have exploded in popularity over the past four months, stunning the public with their awesome abilities, from writing sophisticated term papers to holding unnervingly lucid conversations. Chatbots cannot think like humans: They do not actually understand what they say. They can mimic human speech because the artificial intelligence that powers them… Continue Reading

The Russian “Firehose of Falsehood” Propaganda Model

Rand – The Russian “Firehose of Falsehood” Propaganda Model Why It Might Work and Options to Counter It = “Since its 2008 incursion into Georgia (if not before), there has been a remarkable evolution in Russia’s approach to propaganda. This new approach was on full display during the country’s 2014 annexation of the Crimean peninsula.… Continue Reading

Digital Privacy Legislation is Civil Rights Legislation

EFF: “As Congress ponders legislation to reform “big tech,” it must view comprehensive digital privacy legislation as desperately needed civil rights legislation, because data abuses often disproportionately harm communities already bearing the brunt of other inequalities. Harvesting and monetizing personal data whenever anyone uses social media or even vital online services has become ubiquitous, yet… Continue Reading

The Promise and Perils of Tech Whistleblowing

Bloch-Wehba, Hannah, The Promise and Perils of Tech Whistleblowing (March 3, 2023). Northwestern University Law Review, Forthcoming, Available at SSRN: “Whistleblowers and leakers wield significant influence in technology law and policy. On topics ranging from cybersecurity to free speech, tech whistleblowers spur congressional hearings, motivate the introduction of legislation, and animate critical press coverage… Continue Reading