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Category Archives: Internet

The race to build a better internet before it’s too late

NBC News Analysis: A new book proposes a framework for the internet that would give consumers more control over their own personal data. One of the worst attributes of our society at times is the search for someone to blame. Sometimes we prioritize figuring out who is at fault rather than focusing on how to… Continue Reading

2023 Imperva Bad Bot Report

“The 11th annual edition of the Imperva Bad Bot Report examines and investigates the nature of automated internet traffic, mainly automated bot attacks. Such attacks are getting more sophisticated by the day, bypassing traditional detection methods and causing chaos on the internet. The report analyzes data collected from the Imperva global network in 2023, including… Continue Reading

Would You Still Use Google if It Didn’t Pay Apple $20 Billion to Get on Your iPhone?

Wired [unpaywalled]- “A US judge who will decide Google’s fate in a historic antitrust trial suggested it was “odd” for the company to say it has the best search engine but also pay Apple billions to lock out rivals…Central to the government’s case against Google is the over $20 billion it says that Google pays… Continue Reading

The Battle for Attention

The New Yorker [unpaywalled] – “How do we hold on to what matters in a distracted age?Last year, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development reported a huge ten-year decline in reading, math, and science performance among fifteen-year-olds globally, a third of whom cited digital distraction as an issue. Clinical presentations of attention problems have… Continue Reading

Landmark Google antitrust case set to wrap after long break

Courthouse News Service: “The trial, which has been on hold since November, centers on whether the tech giant holds a monopoly over internet search, and could result in Google selling off core parts of its business. After a six-month break, a federal judge will hear closing arguments starting Thursday in a landmark antitrust trial against… Continue Reading

Microsoft’s “responsible AI” chief worries about the open web

Washington Post: “…Natasha Crampton, Microsoft’s chief Responsible AI officer, spoke with The Technology 202 ahead of Microsoft’s release today of its first “Responsible AI Transparency Report.” The 39-page report, which the company is billing as the first of its kind from a major tech firm, details how Microsoft plans to keep its rapidly expanding stable… Continue Reading

Election insights: Understanding public preferences for news coverage for 2024

“The public relies heavily on local and national news organizations as sources for news about elections, but many adults have concerns about the reliability of the information they get, according to a new survey by the Media Insight Project, a collaboration of the American Press Institute and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.… Continue Reading

100 Weird and Wonderful Medieval Dog Names

Mental Floss: “You might think of your dog as the best dog of all. One medieval dog owner “actually called theirs that. No, literally—the dog’s name was Beste-of-all. Per Open Culture, the moniker comes from a 15th-century manuscript containing a list of more than 1000 names of hounds (specifically hunting dogs). David Scott-Macnab, an English… Continue Reading

Russia Clones Wikipedia, Censors It, Bans Original

404 Media: “Russia has replaced Wikipedia with a state-sponsored encyclopedia that is a clone of the original Russian Wikipedia but which conveniently has been edited to omit things that could cast the Russian government in poor light. Real Russian Wikipedia editors used to refer to the real Wikipedia as Ruwiki; the new one is called… Continue Reading

Americans’ Views of Technology Companies

“Most think social media companies have too much influence in politics and censor political viewpoints they object to – both sentiments are growing among Democrats. Most Americans are wary of social media’s role in politics and its overall impact on the country, and these concerns are ticking up among Democrats, according to a new Pew… Continue Reading

How reliable is this research? Tool flags papers discussed on PubPeer

Nature – Browser plug-in alerts users when studies — or their references — have been posted on a site known for raising integrity concerns. “A free online tool released earlier this month alerts researchers when a paper cites studies that are mentioned on the website PubPeer, a forum scientists often use to raise integrity concerns… Continue Reading