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Category Archives: Internet

NewsGuard Launches Monthly AI News Misinformation Monitor

Creating Benchmark for Comparing the Trustworthiness of Leading Generative AI Models – “NewsGuard today launched a monthly AI News Misinformation Monitor – see the July 2024 issue here, setting a new standard for measuring the accuracy and trustworthiness of the AI industry by tracking how each leading generative AI model is responding to prompts related… Continue Reading

Results of Review of Use of Dark Patterns Affecting Subscription Services, Privacy

“The Federal Trade Commission and two international consumer protection networks announced the results of a review of selected websites and apps that showed a large percentage of the websites and mobile apps examined may use dark patterns, digital design techniques that may manipulate consumers into buying products or services or giving up their privacy. These… Continue Reading

Google Silk Roads

Google Blog: “The Silk Roads have linked diverse communities across Asia, Europe and Africa for millennia. They not only unified people through trade, they also helped spread ideas, inventions, knowledge and artistic traditions — bringing distant parts of the world a little closer together. We’re fortunate that many of the treasures from this cultural exchange… Continue Reading

Washington Post Chatbot in Beta Responds to Questions About Climate

Washington Post – Your climate questions, answered. This is an experiment from The Washington Post to use AI to help answer your climate questions. Responses are based solely on published reporting by Post journalists. Please verify any information with the underlying articles. See also the site’s Feedback Form – Did you find what you were… Continue Reading

How People with Disabilities Use the Web

W3C: “How do people who cannot move their arms use your website? What about people who cannot see well or at all? Or people who have difficulty hearing, or understanding, or have other disabilities? This resource introduces how disabled people use the web, including people with age-related impairments. It helps developers, designers, content creators, and… Continue Reading

10 billion passwords leaked in the largest compilation of all time

“The Cybernews research team believes the leak poses severe dangers to users prone to reusing passwords. The king is dead. Long live the king. Cybernews researchers discovered what appears to be the largest password compilation with a staggering 9,948,575,739 unique plaintext passwords. The file with the data, titled rockyou2024.txt, was posted on July 4th by… Continue Reading

LLRX June 2024 Issue

Articles and Columns for June 2024 – https://www/ Protecting the Vulnerable: Navigating Online Risks for Minors – Veronica Garrick’s paper is an insightful, factual and timely discussion of how in today’s digital age, minors are exposed to technology at a young age, presenting both great opportunities and risks. PowerPoint Has Its Problems – Jerry Lawson… Continue Reading

What the internet looked like in 1994, according to 15 webpages born that year

Fast Company: “What was the World Wide Web like at the start? Long before it became the place we think and work and talk, the air that we (and the bots) now breathe, no matter how polluted it’s become? So much of the old web has rotted away that it can be hard to say;… Continue Reading