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Category Archives: Intellectual Property

USPTO Issues IP Law Enforcement Report

The National Intellectual Property Law Enforcement Coordination Council Report 2001-2002 (in PDF) to Congress is a joint effort by DOJ, USPTO, State Dept., U.S. Trade Representative, Commerce, and the Copyright Office. “The mandate of the Council is to coordinate domestic and international intellectual property law enforcement among federal and foreign entities.” See also the DOJ… Continue Reading

Yahoo v. NCR in Patent Case

Yahoo and NCR (founded in 1884 as National Cash Register Company) are battling over computer patents and associated licensing fees in the District Court in San Francisco. On December 13, Yahoo filed suit against NCR (4:02-cv-05813, Yahoo! Inc. v. NCR Corporation Saundra Brown Armstrong, presiding) claiming it is not infringing NCR’s patents. Continue Reading

Lindows v. Windows

This New York Times article reports on the anticipated trail in the Western District of Washington that pits the 50 person against the Microsoft behemoth in an effort to revoke the Windows trademark and protect against Microsoft’s claims of copyright infringement. Judge John C. Coughenour’s March 15, 2002 30 page ruling in this ongoing… Continue Reading

Supreme Court and DVD Case

On December 26, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor issued an order granting a temporary stay in DVD Copy Control Association v. Matthew Pavlovich (S 100609), pending receipt of further documentation relevant to the case. The DVD Copy Control Association has been fighting a three-year long battle to protect the Content Scramble System (CSS), a… Continue Reading

New Public Interest Advocacy Group

Public Knowledge (PK) is a relatively new advocacy group whose agenda is to maintain free and open public access to digital data. According to President and co-founder Gigi B. Sohn, PK seeks to “promote a balanced approach to copyright policy that reflects the “cultural bargain” intended by the framers of the constitution – creators and… Continue Reading

Piracy and Peer-to Peer Networking

The House Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Courts, the Internet, and Intellectual Property, held an oversight hearing on “Piracy Of Intellectual Property On Peer-to-Peer Networks,” September 26, 2002. The Statement of Gigi B. Sohn, President, Public Knowledge, is here. The Statement of Hilary Rosen, Chairman and CEO, Recording Industry Association of America, is here. Continue Reading

Yale Information Society Project

The Information Society Project at Yale Law School (ISP) hosts several resources focused on how the Internet, intellectual property and telecommunications impact our civil liberties. The site posts working papers and information about policy initiatives. In addition, the project sponsors a provocative, insightful, and informative searchable weblog, LawMeme, with commentary on legal-tech issues provided by… Continue Reading

International Organization Reports on Global IP Issues

The Commission on Intellectual Property Rights (CIPR) an international organization, disbanded with the publication this month of their final report, Integrating Intellectual Property Rights and Development Policy. The group’s interest was strongly focused on developing countries and their access to the services afforded by technology to the world’s prosperous nations. This ZDNet article summarizes the… Continue Reading

GAO Releases New Report on the Operation of the USPTO

Today the GAO released the following report: Intellectual Property: Information on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Past and Future Operations. GAO-02-907, published August 23, 2002. Revenues, already booming for this agency, will be even higher as their proposed Strategic Plan calls for an increase in overall fees of 51% for large entities, and 67%… Continue Reading