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Category Archives: Intellectual Property

Paper – The Oligopoly of Academic Publishers in Digital Era

PLOS ONE Open Access – “The consolidation of the scientific publishing industry has been the topic of much debate within and outside the scientific community, especially in relation to major publishers’ high profit margins. However, the share of scientific output published in the journals of these major publishers, as well as its evolution over time… Continue Reading

USPTO Teams with Google to Provide Bulk Patent and Trademark Data to Public

News release: “Under Secretary of Commerce and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) David Kappos announced [June 2, 2015] that the USPTO has entered into a no-cost, two-year agreement with Google to make bulk electronic patent and trademark public data available to the public in bulk form. Under this agreement, the… Continue Reading

The Oligopoly of Academic Publishers in the Digital Era

Larivière V, Haustein S, Mongeon P (2015) The Oligopoly of Academic Publishers in the Digital Era. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0127502. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0127502 “The consolidation of the scientific publishing industry has been the topic of much debate within and outside the scientific community, especially in relation to major publishers’ high profit margins. However, the share of scientific… Continue Reading

Report – Orphan Works and Mass Digitization

“The Copyright Office is reviewing the problem of orphan works under U.S. copyright law in continuation of its previous work on the subject and to advise Congress on possible next steps for the United States. The Office has long shared the concern with many in the copyright community that the uncertainty surrounding the ownership status… Continue Reading

State-by-State Listing of Data Loss and Freedom of Information Legislation

DataLossDB – Open Security Foundation: “In order to request data breach notification reports from governments, several critieria need to exist. The state must have Freedom of Information or Open Records legislation. The state must have Breach Notification legislation, and the state must require notifications to a centralized authority (like an Attorney General, or a Consumer… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – How Robots and Computer Algorithms are Challenging Jobs and the Economy

Via – How Robots and Computer Algorithms are Challenging Jobs and the Economy – Alan Rothman casts an expert eye onto the landscape of an growing phenomenon – the rise of robotic technologies and their current and forthcoming impact on our workforce and on the economy. This review was sparked by a new book… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – New Chips are Using Deep Learning to Enhance Mobile, Camera and Auto Image Processing Capabilities

Via – New Chips are Using Deep Learning to Enhance Mobile, Camera and Auto Image Processing Capabilities: Alan Rothman takes a look at the expanding experience of how we interface with our devices’ screens for inputs and outputs nearly all day and everyday. He explains how what many of the gadgets will soon be… Continue Reading

2015 Cost of Data Breach Study

“IBM is proud to sponsor the tenth annual Cost of Data Breach Study, the industry’s gold-standard benchmark research independently conducted by Ponemon Institute. The study found the average consolidated total cost of a data breach is $3.8 million representing a 23% increase since 2013. The study also reports that the cost incurred for each lost… Continue Reading

How Machine Intelligence Will Transform the Role of Lawyers in the Delivery of Legal Services

The Great Disruption: How Machine Intelligence Will Transform the Role of Lawyers in the Delivery of Legal Services, John O. McGinnis & Russell G. Pearce, Fordham Law Review, Volume 82, No. 6. May 2015, pps 3041-3066. “Law is an information technology—a code that regulates social life. In our age, the machinery of information technology is… Continue Reading

Washington Post Editor Ben Bradlee’s Archive Donated to Harry Ransom Center

News release: “The archive of Ben Bradlee (1921-2014), former editor of The Washington Post, has been donated to the Harry Ransom Center, a humanities research library and museum at The University of Texas at Austin. With many of the materials spanning the era of Bradlee’s editorial tenure at the Post from 1965 to 1991, the… Continue Reading

WSJ – Level 3 Tries to Waylay Hackers

Drew Fitzgerald – – “Earlier this month, Brett Wentworth took Level 3 Communications Inc. into territory that most rivals have been reluctant to enter. The director of global security at the largest carrier of Internet traffic cut off data from reaching a group of servers in China that his company believed was involved in… Continue Reading

GAO – DOD Should Strengthen Management and Guidance to Protect Classified Information and Systems

Insider Threats: DOD Should Strengthen Management and Guidance to Protect Classified Information and Systems, GAO-15-544: Published: Jun 2, 2015. Publicly Released: Jun 2, 2015. “The Department of Defense (DOD) components GAO selected for review have begun implementing insider-threat programs that incorporate the six minimum standards called for in Executive Order 13587 to protect classified information… Continue Reading