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Category Archives: Intellectual Property

TTIP and Digital Rights

TTIP and Digital Rights Published: 08.06.2015 – “The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP – pronounced “tee-tip”) is a draft trade agreement being negotiated between the United States (US) and the European Union (EU). This booklet presents the concerns that EDRi and its members have regarding TTIP, such as the lack of transparency in the… Continue Reading

Visual China Group expands control of Corbis and Getty Images

First – Corbis Images and Corbis Motion closed their doors on May 2, 2016. Second, via the press room site at Getty Images today – note there are several moving parts to this news, which was announced in April 2016 – with more information is surfacing June 2016 – Via the Chief Executive Officer of… Continue Reading

GAO – IT Dashboard: Agencies Need to Fully Consider Risks When Rating Their Major Investments

IT Dashboard: Agencies Need to Fully Consider Risks When Rating Their Major Investments, GAO-16-494: Published: Jun 2, 2016. Publicly Released: Jun 2, 2016. “Agencies determined investments’ Chief Information Officer (CIO) ratings using a variety of processes, which included the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) six suggested factors (including risk management, requirements management, and historical… Continue Reading

CRS Report – Intellectual Property Rights Violations

Via FAS – Intellectual Property Rights Violations: Federal Civil Remedies and Criminal Penalties Related to Copyrights, Trademarks, Patents, and Trade Secrets. Brian T. Yeh, Legislative Attorney. May 27, 2016. “This report provides information describing the federal civil remedies and criminal penalties that may be available as a consequence of violations of the federal intellectual property… Continue Reading

Intellectual Property in Asia: ASEAN, East Asia and India

Antons, Christoph, Intellectual Property in Asia: ASEAN, East Asia and India (May 19, 2016). The Oxford Handbook of Intellectual Property Law, Rochelle Dreyfuss and Justine Pila (eds), Oxford University Press, Forthcoming. Available for download at SSRN: “This paper covers parts of Asia with very significant recent developments in intellectual property (IP) law. IP reform… Continue Reading

Researchers around the world increasingly turning to pirated papers due to prohibitive publisher costs

Follow up to previous posting, Controversy over free journal access database keeps Sci-Hub in legal and research spotlight, via Science – Who’s downloading pirated papers? Everyone by John Bohannon – “These statistics are based on extensive server log data supplied by Alexandra Elbakyan, the neuroscientist who created Sci-Hub in 2011 as a 22-year-old graduate student… Continue Reading

CRS – Protection of Trade Secrets: Overview of Current Law and Legislation

Protection of Trade Secrets: Overview of Current Law and Legislation, Brian T. Yeh, Legislative Attorney. April 22, 2016. “A trade secret is confidential, commercially valuable information that provides a company with a competitive advantage, such as customer lists, methods of production, marketing strategies, pricing information, and chemical formulae. (Well- known examples of trade secrets include… Continue Reading

GAO Reports: Elections, Data Act, High Containment Laboratories, Tax Filing, Unaccompanied Children, VA Health Care

Elections: DOD Needs More Comprehensive Planning to Address Military and Overseas Absentee Voting Challenges, GAO-16-378: Published: Apr 20, 2016. Publicly Released: Apr 20, 2016. Data Act: Section 5 Pilot Design Issues Need to Be Addressed to Meet Goal of Reducing Recipient Reporting Burden, GAO-16-438: Published: Apr 19, 2016. Publicly Released: Apr 19, 2016. High-Containment Laboratories:… Continue Reading

Project seeks to thwart patent trolls

“All Prior Art is a project attempting to algorithmically create and publicly publish all possible new prior art, thereby making the published concepts not patent-able. The concept is to democratize ideas, provide an impetus for change in the patent system, and to preempt patent trolls. The system works by pulling text from the entire database… Continue Reading – 11 standardized rights statements for online cultural heritage

“ is a joint initiative of Europeana and the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). Europeana, the Digital Public Library of America, and many other libraries, archives and other cultural heritage institutions believe that everyone should be able to engage with their cultural heritage online. We can help achieve this by providing cultural heritage institutions… Continue Reading

Google Books case ends as Supreme Court will not intervene “The Supreme Court on Monday declined to intervene in a case examining whether Alphabet Inc.’s Google engaged in copyright infringement when it scanned millions of books and made them searchable online, a final blow to authors who sued the company. The justices, in a brief written order, said they won’t take up an appeal by the… Continue Reading