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Category Archives: Intellectual Property

Internet Archive – 78rpm Records Digitized by George Blood, L.P.

Internet Archive post: “Through the Great 78 Project the Internet Archive has begun to digitize 78rpm discs for preservation, research, and discovery with the help of George Blood, L.P.. 78s were mostly made from shellac, i.e., beetle resin, and were the brittle predecessors to the LP (microgroove) era.  @great78project for uploads as they happen. The… Continue Reading

Implementation of Agreement between US and China on Science and Technology

U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2016-03522 Doc No. C06306089 Date: 05/11/2017 UNCLASSIFIED – Implementation of Agreement between the United States and China on Science and Technology Public Law 107-314. [via FAS] “Federal agencies continued to advance a range of U.S. objectives during the reporting period between January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2015. During… Continue Reading

Legal Issues: IP Asset Valuation and IRS Scrutiny

“The structure of a large corporation can often be a very complex conflagration of parent corporations, divisions, subsidiary corporations, sister corporations, holding companies, merged entities, corporate spin-offs and the like. Tracking down all of the related relationships between these entities can be an equally complex process of deep investigation into federal, state, tax, credit and… Continue Reading

Presidential Executive Order on Establishment of American Technology Council

Presidential Executive Order on the Establishment of the American Technology Council, Executive Order, May 1, 2017 “Purpose.  To promote the policy set forth in section 1 of this order, this order establishes the American Technology Council (ATC). …Sec. 6. ATC Functions. (a) The principal functions of the ATC shall be to: (i) coordinate the vision, strategy,… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Google Books is not Alexandria redux

Via – Google Books is not Alexandria redux – Chris Meadows revisits a subject, Google Books, that has been the focal point of legal action, disagreement within the publishing and library communities, and basically an issue lacking closure concerning the end product. Meadows reiterates the Second Circuit finding on Google Books and fair uses… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Oh Lord, please don’t let Google Book Search be misunderstood

Via – Oh Lord, please don’t let Google Book Search be misunderstood – In what became a two part article, Chris Meadows responds to the continuing commentary and rebuttals on the Google Books decision and access to the search engine that remains available to query a huge index of full-text books and access the… Continue Reading

SCOTUS hears arguments on patent rights and refilling printer cartridges

Gizmodo – Supreme Court Printer Cartridge Case Could Be the Citizens United of Products “It’s an obscure case that hasn’t received a ton of attention as it has made its way to the Supreme Court but the final verdict could set off a cascade of consequences in the world of consumer products. This week, oral… Continue Reading

Paper – Defense Against the Dark Arts of Copyright Trolling

Sag, Matthew and Haskell, Jake, Defense Against the Dark Arts of Copyright Trolling (March 14, 2017). Available at SSRN: “In this Article, we offer both a legal and a pragmatic framework for defending against copyright trolls. Lawsuits alleging online copyright infringement by John Doe defendants have accounted for roughly half of all copyright cases… Continue Reading

U.S. Copyright Office launches updated website

“Today, the U.S. Copyright Office launched its updated website, The website has been redesigned to be more organized, more responsive, and easier to digest. It now features a new header with global navigation and search, and expanded width in all sections to maximize screen usage. Several individual pages have been consolidated for improved navigation.… Continue Reading

Publishers Still Fighting to Bury Universities, Libraries in Fees for Making Fair Use of Academic Excerpts

EFF – “On behalf of three national library associations, EFF today urged a federal appeals court for the second time to protect librarians’ and students’ rights to make fair use of excerpts from academic books and research. Nearly a decade ago, three of the largest academic publishers in the world— backed by the Association of… Continue Reading

Free for All: NYPL Enhances Public Domain Collections For Sharing and Reuse

New York Public Library – “Today we are proud to announce that out-of-copyright materials in NYPL Digital Collections are now available as high-resolution downloads. No permission required, no hoops to jump through: just go forth and reuse!  The release of more than 180,000 digitized items represents both a simplification and an enhancement of digital access to a… Continue Reading

EFF on Shadow Internet Regulations

EFF – “Shadow Regulations are voluntary agreements between companies (sometimes described as codes, principles, standards, or guidelines) to regulate your use of the Internet, often without your knowledge. Shadow Regulation has become increasingly popular after the monumental failure of restrictive Internet laws such as ACTA, SOPA and PIPA. This is because Shadow Regulation can involve… Continue Reading