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Category Archives: Housing

Record number of over 1.2 million first time asylum seekers registered in EU Member States in 2015

Via reliefweb: Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis: top citizenships – “In 2015, 1 255 600 first time asylum seekers applied for international protection in the Member States of the European Union (EU), a number more than double that of the previous year. The number of Syrians seeking international protection has doubled in 2015 compared with the previous… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve Board Beige Book February 2016

“Reports from the twelve Federal Reserve Districts continued to indicate that economic activity expanded in most Districts since the previous Beige Book report. Economic growth increased moderately in Richmond and San Francisco and at a modest pace in Cleveland, Atlanta, Chicago, and Minneapolis. Philadelphia reported a slight increase in economic activity, and St. Louis described… Continue Reading

New York Fed Household Debt and Credit Report

Household Debt and Credit Report – “The Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s Household Debt and Credit Report provides a quarterly snapshot of household trends in borrowing and indebtedness, including data about mortgages, student loans, credit cards, auto loans and delinquencies. The report aims to help community groups, small businesses, state and local governments and… Continue Reading

Additional Economic Census Subject Series Reports

“The Census Bureau today released three additional reports from its 2012 Economic Census Subject Series. The first, Retail Trade — Establishment and Firm Size, presents sales, payroll and employment data for the United States by various categories. For establishments, the categories are sales size, employment size and legal form of organization. For firms, the categories are sales size, employment size, concentration… Continue Reading

By the Numbers: The Costs of War and Peace in the Middle East

World Bank – By the Numbers: The Costs of War and Peace in the Middle East – Five years of war in Syria and spillovers to neighboring countries have cost an estimated $35 billion in output, equivalent to Syria’s GDP in 2007. A new report examines how civil wars are affecting the economies of the… Continue Reading

2015 Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement Parallel Survey

“The Census Bureau today released the 2015 Parallel Survey Research File and a detailed health insurance table based on this file. The Parallel Survey uses the Current Population Survey Annual Social and Economic Supplement health insurance questions prior to 2013. See below for tables: Continue Reading

Global Housing Watch Report – January 2016 Update

IMF – “The January 2016 issue of the Global Housing Watch Quarterly Update includes: An update of the five core charts: the Global House Price Index, real house price growth , real credit growth, house price-to-income ratio , and house price-to-rent ratio across countries (pages 1 to 6); A summary of a recent conference that… Continue Reading

ABA Journal – Will those who led the financial system into crisis ever face charges?

Terry Carter’s long read also appears in the February 1, 2016 issue of the ABA Journal – “…Last September, the department in effect admitted that it had been wrong all along when it announced a new policy prioritizing prosecution of individuals in corporations who might have engaged in criminal acts, and requiring the companies to… Continue Reading

Yahoo Releases Largest-ever Machine Learning Dataset for Researchers

Suju Rajan – “Data is the lifeblood of research in machine learning. However, access to truly large-scale datasets is a privilege that has been traditionally reserved for machine learning researchers and data scientists working at large companies – and out of reach for most academic researchers. Research scientists at Yahoo Labs have long enjoyed working… Continue Reading

UN Global Humanitarian Overview 2016

“The outlook for 2016 is grim. Millions of civilians, uprooted from their homes by violent and prolonged conflict, will remain in desperate need of protection and humanitarian assistance. About 60 million people are displaced around the world, and more than a quarter of these displacements are due to the conflicts in Iraq, South Sudan and… Continue Reading