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Category Archives: Housing

It’s not just cars that make pollution. It’s the roads they drive on, too

Science: “…The researchers estimated the annual emissions from new paving and roofing in parts of Southern California. They calculate that molecules released from asphalt could lead to between 1000 and 2500 tons of particulate air pollution—compared with just 900 to 1400 tons from gasoline and diesel vehicles. (Both sources pale in comparison to volatile chemical… Continue Reading

How to Guide to Consumer Complaints by Product Type Learn how to submit a complaint about problems with specific products and services. Banks and Lender Complaints – Learn how to complain about a problem with a bank or a lending company, such as a mortgage provider. Car Complaints – Find out what to do when you want to complain about a defective car.… Continue Reading

Landlord Tech Watch

“Landlord Tech Watch—what the real estate industry describes as residential property technology, is leading to new forms of housing injustice. Property technology, or “proptech,” has grown dramatically since 2008, and applies to residential, commercial, and industrial buildings, effectively merging the real estate, technology, and finance industries. By employing digital surveillance, data collection, data accumulation, artificial… Continue Reading

As COVID-19 Tanks the Economy Eviction Moratoriums Expire

Pew Stateline: “It’s the beginning of the month, rent is due, the $600 in federal unemployment relief has lapsed and Congress seems far from agreeing on another coronavirus aid package. Meanwhile, the federal moratorium on evictions has ended, and similar mandates in many cities and states have expired or soon will. This week, as pressure… Continue Reading

Coronavirus Brings American Decline Out in the Open

Bloomberg Opinion – Noah Smith: Without fixes for infrastructure, education, health care and government, the U.S. will resemble a developing nation in a few decades. “The U.S.’s decline started with little things that people got used to. Americans drove past empty construction sites and didn’t even think about why the workers weren’t working, then wondered… Continue Reading

How the Pandemic Defeated America

The Atlantic – A virus has brought the world’s most powerful country to its knees. “…Despite ample warning, the U.S. squandered every possible opportunity to control the coronavirus. And despite its considerable advantages—immense resources, biomedical might, scientific expertise—it floundered. While countries as different as South Korea, Thailand, Iceland, Slovakia, and Australia acted decisively to bend… Continue Reading

Facing Eviction In The Time Of Coronavirus

Law360: “By the end of this week, courts in at least 39 states will be accepting eviction lawsuits — often heard remotely due to the pandemic — against tenants behind on their rent. People of color, and especially Black women, have historically faced these suits at twice the rate of other renters; they are also… Continue Reading

Johns Hopkins University COVID-19 School Reopening Checklist

“The COVID-19 School Reopening Response Checklist is a tool to assist school and district leaders and other key stakeholders in the decision-making process as they navigate school reopening. It emphasizes areas in need of attention from an equity and ethics perspective. The decision makers can use the Checklist to systematically assess their needs and resources… Continue Reading

Mapping America’s Underwater Real Estate

Bloomberg Green – What happens to home prices if flood maps start measuring climate change? Millions of Americans are about to find out. “Millions of Americans just woke up in a flood zone that had never before been listed on U.S. government maps. The first-ever public evaluation of flood risk for every property in the 48… Continue Reading

AI Helps College Students Manage Housing Risks, Propels The ‘Wave Of The Future’ In Legal Services

Pittsburgh NPR – “Many college students don’t know when they’ll return to campus due to COVID-19, but when they do, they will need a place to live. Some might feel pressure to commit to housing despite the uncertainty, and Pittsburgh lawyer Marcy Smorey is using artificial intelligence to help students be smart about signing apartment… Continue Reading

Your ZIP Code and Your Life Expectancy

The New York Times: “For many, the past few weeks have been tough, but at least we’ve had a respite from pollution: With Americans staying home, emptying the roads and highways of traffic, skies have cleared across the country. That, at least, feels good. But for neighborhoods with historically high levels of air pollution, a… Continue Reading

COVID 19: Consumer Loan Forbearance and Other Relief Options

LC CRS Reports – COVID 19: Consumer Loan Forbearance and Other Relief Options May 14, 2020: “A growing number of reported Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)cases have been identified in the United States, significantly impacting many communities. This situation is evolving rapidly, and the economic impact has been large due to illnesses, quarantines, social distancing, local… Continue Reading