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Category Archives: Food and Nutrition

Food insecurity in the US is at 15% according to data

“Food insecurity exists in every county and congressional district in the country. But not everyone struggling with hunger qualifies for federal nutrition assistance. Learn more about local food insecurity and the food banks in your community by exploring data from Feeding America’s annual Map the Meal Gap project.” “Food insecurity refers to USDA’s measure of… Continue Reading

Paper – Adherence to a Mediterranean-Style Diet and Effects on Cognition in Adults

Adherence to a Mediterranean-Style Diet and Effects on Cognition in Adults: A Qualitative Evaluation and Systematic Review of Longitudinal and Prospective Trials. Roy J. Hardman, Greg Kennedy, Helen Macpherson, Andrew B. Scholey and Andrew Pipingas. Frontiers in Nutrition, vol. 3, page 22 -, 2016. DOI 10.3389/fnut.2016.00022. “The Mediterranean-style diet (MedDiet) involves substantial intake of fruits,… Continue Reading

Explore ongoing history of human civilization through research and data visualization

“OurWorldInData is an online publication that shows how living conditions around the world are changing. It communicates this empirical knowledge through interactive data visualisations (charts and maps) and by presenting the research findings on global development that explain what drives the changes that we see and what the consequences of these changes are. The publication… Continue Reading

The world produces enough food to feed everyone. So why do people go hungry?

“Poverty and hunger are intimately connected, which is why the SDGs target elimination of both. For someone living at the World Bank’s poverty line of $1.90 per day, food would account for some 50-70% of income. The Bank estimates that almost four-fifths of the world’s poor live in rural areas, though those areas account for… Continue Reading

Animal welfare advocacy makes inroads with egg production

Follow up to previous posting – Humane League – United Egg Producers to eliminate male chick culling by 2020 – via the Washington Post –  How eggs became a victory for the animal welfare movement – “The fast shift toward uncaged hens is a sign of Americans’ increasing concern about animals, even ones known more… Continue Reading

Carrying capacity of U.S. agricultural land: Ten diet scenarios Research Article

Carrying capacity of U.S. agricultural land: Ten diet scenarios published July 22, 2016 at Elementa. “Strategies for environmental sustainability and global food security must account for dietary change. Using a biophysical simulation model we calculated human carrying capacity under ten diet scenarios. The scenarios included two reference diets based on actual consumption and eight “Healthy… Continue Reading

Is everything we eat associated with cancer? A systematic cookbook review

Free Full Text in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition – Is everything we eat associated with cancer? A systematic cookbook review. Schoenfeld JD, Ioannidis JP. PMID: 23193004 DOI: 10.3945/ajcn.112.047142 “BACKGROUND: Nutritional epidemiology is a highly prolific field. Debates on associations of nutrients with disease risk are common in the literature and attract attention in public… Continue Reading

The Environmental Justice Implications of Biofuels

Gonzalez, Carmen G., The Environmental Justice Implications of Biofuels (July 21, 2016). UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, Vol. 20, 2016. Available for download at SSRN: “Analyses of the viability of biofuels as alternatives to fossil fuels have often adopted a technocratic approach that focuses on environmental consequences, but places less emphasis… Continue Reading

USDA Announces Additional Efforts to Make School Environments Healthier

USDA news release: “Today, the Obama Administration is announcing four final rules that implement important provisions of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (HHFKA) building on the progress schools across the country have already made in the improved nutritional quality of meals served in schools. As a key component of First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move!… Continue Reading

DOD Needs More Complete Data on Active-Duty Servicemembers’ Use of Food Assistance Programs

Military Personnel: DOD Needs More Complete Data on Active-Duty Servicemembers’ Use of Food Assistance Programs, GAO-16-561: Published: Jul 15, 2016. Publicly Released: Jul 15, 2016. “According to the Defense Commissary Agency, servicemembers on active duty spent over $21 million in SNAP benefits at commissaries from September 2014 through August 2015. This suggests that people serving… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Compact of Free Association, Federal Real Property, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

Compact of Free Association: Proposed U.S. Assistance to Palau for Fiscal Years 2016 to 2024, GAO-16-788T: Published: Jul 6, 2016. Publicly Released: Jul 6, 2016. Federal Real Property: Actions Needed to Enhance Information on and Coordination among Federal Entities with Leasing Authority, GAO-16-648: Published: Jul 6, 2016. Publicly Released: Jul 6, 2016. Federal Real Property:… Continue Reading