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Category Archives: Food and Nutrition

How to safely and graciously host friends and family as the weather gets colder

Washington Post – “…For inspiration, we might look to Nordic countries, where the combination of cold temperatures and shorter days is part of the circle of life. In Stockholm, friends still meet often to take brisk walks in the woods in January, when the sun sets before 3 p.m. “Meeting outdoors, even when it’s cold,… Continue Reading

Monthly poverty rates in the United States during COVID-19

Center on Poverty & Social Policy – “This report presents monthly poverty rates in the U.S. before and throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. In contrast to measures of poverty based on a family’s annual resources, we project poverty rates based on a family’s monthly resources. We find that the monthly poverty rate increased from 15% to… Continue Reading

The Impact of Coronavirus on Households Across America

“While billions of dollars have been appropriated by federal and state governments since the start of the coronavirus outbreak, a series of polls by NPR, the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation find that a substantial share of households have not been protected from serious impacts of the… Continue Reading

Navigate safely with new COVID data in Google Maps

Google Blog: “More than one billion people turn to Google Maps for essential information about how to get from place to place–especially during the pandemic when safety concerns are top of mind. Features like popular times and live busyness, COVID-19 alerts in transit, and COVID checkpoints in driving navigation were all designed to help you… Continue Reading

The N95 shortage America can’t seem to fix

Washington Post – Nurses and doctors depend on respirator masks to protect them from covid-19. So why are we still running low on an item that once cost around $1? “…Six months later, that shortage persists, leaving health-care workers exposed, patients at risk and public health experts flummoxed over a seemingly simple question: Why is… Continue Reading

The Great Climate Migration Has Begun

The New York Times Magazine: “…For most of human history, people have lived within a surprisingly narrow range of temperatures, in the places where the climate supported abundant food production. But as the planet warms, that band is suddenly shifting north. According to a pathbreaking recent study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy… Continue Reading

Americans’ Views of Government: Low Trust, but Some Positive Performance Ratings

“For years, public trust in the federal government has hovered at near-record lows. That remains the case today, as the United States struggles with a pandemic and economic recession. Just 20% of U.S. adults say they trust the government in Washington to “do the right thing” just about always or most of the time. Yet… Continue Reading

Listen Up! What You Eat Can Protect Your Hearing

Consumer Reports –  There is a connection between your diet and your ears: “About 44 million American adults have hearing loss, and that number is expected to almost double to 73 million by 2060. It’s no surprise that minimizing exposure to high-decibel noise protects your ears. But recent and accumulating research indicates that following a healthy… Continue Reading

On site dining and drinking increases risk of COVID

Fisher KA, Tenforde MW, Feldstein LR, et al. Community and Close Contact Exposures Associated with COVID-19 Among Symptomatic Adults ≥18 Years in 11 Outpatient Health Care Facilities — United States, July 2020. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020;69:1258–1264. DOI: icon – “Findings from a case-control investigation of symptomatic outpatients from 11 U.S. health care… Continue Reading

The State of the American Restaurant, City by City

New York City, San Francisco, Honolulu are still down over 80% from a year ago in terms of “seated diners.” Then there is the “LN-shaped” recovery in Pittsburgh. By Wolf Richter for WOLF STREET – “Six months into the Pandemic, restaurants that haven’t given up yet are still in survival mode. In many places, dining outside has been… Continue Reading

Why stores need to pay more attention to the air we breathe

CNN – “During the coronavirus pandemic, supermarkets and retail stores have added a variety of safety features. Workers have been required to mask up and, more recently, most customers too. But most have yet to tackle what could be another important safety measure — changes to the systems that keep the stores hot and cold,… Continue Reading