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Category Archives: EU Data Protection

Compliance With New EU Data Privacy Rules Begins Today

“As from today EU Member States must comply with the Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications, which sets EU standards for the protection of privacy and personal data in electronic communications. The Directive includes basic obligations to ensure the security and confidentiality of communications over EU electronic networks, including internet and mobile services. It sets… Continue Reading

EU v. U.S. Data Protection Policies

From the Wall Street Journal, October 10: “While the U.S. has opposed comprehensive regulations to protect citizens’ privacy, Europe has plowed ahead with the world’s toughest set of rules governing how companies and governments may deal with personal data, such as one’s age, marital status, buying patterns — even the information on a standard business… Continue Reading

New Report on Implementing EU Copyright Directive

From the independent group, the Foundation for Information Policy Research, this new guide, published September 8, Implementing the EU Copyright Directive, (128 pages, pdf). See this link for a table of contents to download specific sections in html, which include the following: Background; Problems in the United States; Immediate public policy objectives; Wider public policy… Continue Reading

Opposition to EU IP Directive

From European Digital Rights, an association of privacy and civil rights organizations in Europe: CODE Letter urging rejection of Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on measures and procedures to ensure the enforcement of intellectual property rights. IP Justice White Paper on Proposed European Union IP Enforcement Directive Continue Reading

Proposed New EU Constitution

From UPI: “A proposed European constitution…calls for an elected president of Europe and a binding bill of rights, but at Britain’s insistence, it drops the notion of creating a federal “United States of Europe.” An edited version of the draft is available here. The full-text of the six documents (in pdf) are as follows: Preamble… Continue Reading

Advocacy Group Seeks to Block Transfer of European Passenger Data

European Digital Rights (EDRi), a non-profit coalition of privacy/advocacy groups based in Brussels, launched a campaign against the transfer of European travellers’ Passenger Name Records (PNR) to U.S. Customs. See the following related documents: EDRi campaign press release. Full text of Article 29 Data Protection Working Party: Opinion 6/2002 on transmission of Passenger Manifest Information… Continue Reading