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Category Archives: EU Data Protection

CRS – U.S.-EU Cooperation Against Terrorism

U.S.-EU Cooperation Against Terrorism, Kristin Archick, Specialist in European Affairs, May 21, 2012 “…challenges persist in fostering closer U.S.-EU counterterrorism and law enforcement cooperation. Among the most prominent are data privacy and data protection concerns. The EU considers the privacy of personal data a basic right and EU rules and regulations strive to keep personal… Continue Reading

EU Announces Preliminary Conclusions on Google Antitrust Investigation

News release, Joaquín Almunia Vice President of the European Commission responsible for Competition Policy: “In November 2010, the Commission launched an antitrust investigation into allegations that Google had abused a dominant market position. This followed a number of complaints. We have looked at those complaints and at others we received since the opening. And we… Continue Reading

CDT Analysis of EC's Proposed Data Protection Regulation

CDT Analysis of the European Commission’s Proposed Data Protection Regulation CDT strongly supports the use of the Regulation instrument to harmonize data protection across the common market and the renewed emphasis on stronger enforcement to provide data subjects with consistent, predictable privacy rights. CDT proposes a clarification that the Regulationʼs requirement of parental consent only… Continue Reading

EPIC: European Justice Minister Says Google Now in Violation of EU Law

“European Justice Minister Vivian Reding said today that Google’s March 1 changes to its terms of service violate European Union law “in numerous respects.” Commissioner Reding pointed to the failure of the company to obtain user consent, the lack of transparency, and the fact that most users do not read privacy policies. European privacy officials… Continue Reading

International Privacy Day: Top Concerns of Activists and Data Protection Authorities

EFF: “This January 28 marks International Privacy Day. Different countries around the world are celebrating this day with their own events. This year, we are honoring the day by calling attention to recent international privacy threats and interviewing data protection authorities, government officials, and activists to gain insight into various aspects of privacy rights and… Continue Reading

Commission proposes a comprehensive reform of the data protection rules

News release: The European Commission has today [January 24, 2012] a comprehensive reform of the EU’s 1995 data protection rules to strengthen online privacy rights and boost Europe’s digital economy. Technological progress and globalisation have profoundly changed the way our data is collected, accessed and used. In addition, the 27 EU Member States have implemented… Continue Reading

Report of Data Protection Audit of Facebook Ireland Published

News release: “The Office of the Data Protection Commissioner, Ireland 21 December 2011 published the outcome of its audit of Facebook Ireland(FB-I) which was conducted over the last three months including on-site in Facebook Ireland’s Headquarters in Dublin. The report is available in 2 parts: Report of the Audit, including recommendations and the Facebook Technical… Continue Reading

Privacy and Security in the Implementation of Health Information Technology: U.S. and EU Compared

Privacy and Security in the Implementation of Health Information Technology (Electronic Health Records): U.S. and EU Compared, B.U. J. SCI. & TECH. L., Vol. 17, Winter 2011. “The importance of the adoption of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and the associated cost savings cannot be ignored as an element in the changing delivery of health care.… Continue Reading

EU Commission sets out "blueprint" for Intellectual Property Rights to boost creativity and innovation

EUROPA press release: “Intellectual property rights (IPR), which comprise patents, trademarks, designs and geographical indications, as well as copyright (authors’ rights) and rights related to copyright (for performers, producers and broadcasters), have been around for centuries. Often, without our even realising, they affect our daily lives: they protect the technology we use (cars, mobile phones,… Continue Reading

Draft Agreement Would Allow DHS to Store EU Passenger Data for 15 Years

EPIC: “A draft agreement between the United States and the European Union will allow the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to store passenger data for up to 15 years. The passenger data includes names, addresses, phone numbers, and credit card information, and even ethnic origin, political opinions, and details of health or sex life. The… Continue Reading

EDPS opinion on EU Financial Regulation: EU budget needs clear rules on transparency, also to protect individuals' personal data

“On 15 April 2011, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) adopted an opinion on the Commission’s proposal aimed at revising the financial rules applicable to the annual budget of the European Union (“EU Financial Regulation”). The proposal covers several matters which involve the processing of personal data by the EU institutions and by entities at… Continue Reading

Senior Supervisors Group Issues Report on Risk Appetite Frameworks and IT Infrastructure

Federal Reserve Bank of New York: “Senior financial supervisors from ten countries — collectively, the Senior Supervisors Group (SSG) — issued a report on December 23, 2010 that evaluates how financial institutions have progressed in developing formal risk appetite frameworks and in building out highly developed IT infrastructures and firm wide data aggregation capabilities. The… Continue Reading