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Category Archives: Environmental Law

2022’s Happiest States in America

WalletNews: “Happiness comes from a combination of internal and external factors. We can influence it somewhat by approaching situations positively or choosing to spend time with people we love, doing activities we enjoy. It’s harder to be happy in some years than in others, though. The COVID-19 pandemic was one of the biggest stressors during… Continue Reading

Bay Area ship voyage recovers 96 tons of plastic from Pacific ocean

ABC7: “Nearly every day cargo ships arrive here in the Bay Area, carrying everything from cars to consumer goods. But one ship that just docked in Sausalito is delivering cargo that’s probably more valuable, at least for the environment. Striding across the deck of the recovery ship KWAI, is like taking a voyage straight into… Continue Reading

USGS Water Blog

“Welcome to the U.S. Geological Survey Water Mission Area’s Water Data Blog. Water information is fundamental to national and local economic well-being, protection of life and property, and effective management of the Nation’s water resources. The USGS works with partners to monitor, assess, conduct targeted research, and deliver information on a wide range of water… Continue Reading

These new interactive maps reveal the incredible global journeys of migrating birds

PopSci: “The Bird Migration Explorer, from the National Audubon Society and partners, shows you where birds go and how they get there. Many birds make incredible trips every year. The Arctic tern completes globe-trotting flights from one pole to another, clocking in 49,700 miles in a year; and the bar-tailed godwit holds the record for… Continue Reading

Global Registry of Fossil Fuels

Global Registry of Fossil Fuel Emissions and Reserves: “The Global Registry is the first open-source database of oil, gas and coal production and reserves globally, expressed in CO2-equivalent. By increasing transparency and accountability around fossil fuel production, the Registry aims to improve understanding of extraction impacts on the remaining carbon budget and ultimately to inform… Continue Reading

AccuWeather RealFeel Temperature Guide

“The patented AccuWeather RealFeel Temperature has been the gold standard to advise people of how weather conditions “feel.” Now, the new AccuWeather RealFeel Temperature Guide empowers people to take full advantage of the exclusive index, detailing its meaning and impact and suggesting clothing to maximize safety and comfort….The RealFeel Temperature is an equation that takes… Continue Reading

A Legitimacy Crisis of the Supreme Court’s Own Making

Brennan Center for Justice – Last term, the justices showed little concern for the public’s trust in them: “Chief Justice John Roberts said at an event last week that he doesn’t understand current questions about the Supreme Court’s legitimacy. “The [Court’s] decisions have always been publicly criticized,” the chief justice said, but it is a… Continue Reading

China Is Writing the Story of the Climate Future

The New York Times:”They called it a “summer of disasters” in June, and as the summer wore on, the pattern held: unprecedented extreme temperatures across South Asia; then two distinct heat waves across the United States, bringing health advisories to a total of 200 million people; and three heat waves across Europe, where thousands died… Continue Reading

Climate Change and Wellbeing Around the World

Gallup: “While much is known about the environmental and economic effects of climate change, there has been less systematic analysis of how rising temperatures affect quality of life around the world. This analysis represents a preliminary effort to quantify and track the impact of rising temperatures on people’s lives by combining geospatial Gallup survey results… Continue Reading

United in Science 2022

United in Science 2022 – A multi-organization high-level compilation of the most recent science related to climate change, impacts and responses. “This report has been compiled by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) under the direction of the United Nations Secretary-General to bring together the latest climate science-related updates from key global partner organizations – WMO,… Continue Reading

The Inflation Reduction Act’s tax credits are confusing, so the White House launched a website to help

The Verge: “The Biden administration launched a new website — — aimed at helping Americans navigate the new green energy tax credits contained in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA). That could especially be useful for people looking to buy a new electric vehicle but finding themselves confused by the litany of new… Continue Reading