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Category Archives: Environmental Law

Fired NPS, USFS, BLM Employees Share Their Stories

The Guardian: “Approximately 5,000 people have been terminated from the agencies that manage the 35m acres (14m hectares) of federal public lands in the US. These are our lands. They encompass national parks and forests, wilderness and marine protected areas, scenic rivers. They are home to campgrounds, river accesses, hiking trails and myriad other sites… Continue Reading

America’s Last Best Thing

Frederick Joseph, On Trump’s National Park Layoffs and the Erosion of America’s Public Land: “…The national parks, they tell us, were created to preserve America’s most beautiful places. This is the story, the myth of preservation, the thing Ken Burns made into poetry. But what they do not tell you—at least, not loudly—is that these… Continue Reading

Site tracks how much of Project 2025 has been implemented

Project 2025 Tracker – The site tracks overall progress now at 34% as well as well as detailed objectives specific to each government agency. This is a significant and very disconcerting tool. Thanks go out to the folks at the free project you can support via Patreon. See also Searchable Full Project 2025 Text: Mandate… Continue Reading

How to find climate data and science the Trump administration doesn’t want you to see

Via LLRX – How to find climate data and science the Trump administration doesn’t want you to see – Research librarian Alejandro Paz and policy scholar Eric Nost, who belong to a network called the Public Environmental Data Partners, a coalition of nonprofits, archivists and researchers who rely on federal data in our analysis, advocacy and… Continue Reading

Metals in Wildfire Suppressants

Metals in Wildfire Suppressants. Marella H. Schammel, Samantha J. Gold, and Daniel L. McCurry. Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 2024, 11, 11, 1247-1253. Open Access Publication Date (Web): October 30, 2024. Pages 1136-1259. ABSTRACT: Frequent and severe wildfires have led to increased application of fire suppression products (long-term fire retardants, water enhancers, and Class A foams)… Continue Reading

How Trump Could Remake the Supreme Court for a Generation

The Nation: Donald Trump is poised to become the first president since FDR to have appointed the majority of high-court justices. His potential picks are terrifying.This article appears in the March 2025 issue, with the headline “The Supreme Trump Court.” Donald Trump’s first term as president gave the republicans control over the most dangerous body… Continue Reading

Finance, Economics & Banking (FEB-RN) Research Paper Series

SSRN – “FEB-RN research paper series promotes open access and dissemination of high-quality empirical, theoretical, and descriptive research across all the major fields of finance, economics and banking. The series will include papers from the interconnected global research community. FEB-RN advocates knowledge sharing through the extensive networks of scholars, PhD students, and practitioners. It aims… Continue Reading

The Open Energy Data Initiative

As energy, climate and weather datasets and resources  are removed from government websites, there are open source initiatives that remain available and to which organizations may submit data. “The Open Energy Data Initiative (OEDI). Enabling research, collaboration, and transparency by providing open access to energy data and information. Provides free access to data generated from… Continue Reading

Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Data

“Managed by the Geospatial Management Office, HIFLD curates and provides access to geospatial data on U.S. critical infrastructure. Users can view data and download CSV, KML, and Shapefiles for visualization and application development.” HIFLD houses 400+ data layers. Many have robust summaries and metadata that document the source, update cadence, most recent update, and field… Continue Reading