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Category Archives: Environmental Law

Climate change is shifting the zones where plants grow

Via LLRX – Climate change is shifting the zones where plants grow – With the arrival of spring in North America, many people are gravitating to the gardening and landscaping section of home improvement stores, where displays are overstocked with eye-catching seed packs and benches are filled with potted annuals and perennials. But some plants that… Continue Reading

Researchers publish dataset of over 6,000 agri-environmental policies from all over the world

“The database is accessible to the general public at this link…researchers from the University of Bonn and the Swiss Federal Institution of Technology (ETH) Zurich have published a database containing over 6,000 agri-environmental policies, thus enabling their peers as well as policymakers and businesses to seek answers to all manner of different questions. The researchers… Continue Reading

The Global E-Waste Monitor 2024

UNITAR: “The world is experiencing significant electronification, including a digital transformation, with technologies profoundly changing the way we live, work, learn, socialize, and do business. Many people own and use multiple electronic devices, and the increasing interconnectivity of urban and remote areas has led to a rise in the number of devices and objects linked… Continue Reading

Who Has the Most Accurate Forecast for Your Location?

“Get a 5-day forecast and accuracy analysis for any US ZIP code or city. Forecast accuracy information [search by zip code or city/state]: ForecastAdvisor will show you the accuracy of the major weather forecasters, including Accuweather, AerisWeather, Foreca, the National Weather Service, Open Weathermap, The Weather Channel, Weather Underground, Wetter, World Weather Online, and Weather… Continue Reading

Real-world CO2 emissions of cars and vans

Data is Plural. Real-world vehicle emissions. “On Monday, the European Commission published its first report analyzing the real-world CO2 emissions of cars and vans, based on fuel consumption monitoring devices that the EU now requires. The report uses data received from 600,000+ vehicles. That sample is available to download, along with metrics aggregated by manufacturer… Continue Reading

2023 IQAir World Air Quality Report

“The 6th Annual World Air Quality Report reveals troubling details of the world’s most polluted countries, territories, and regions in 2023. For this year’s report, data from more than 30,000 air quality monitoring stations across 7,812 locations in 134 countries, territories, and regions were analysed by IQAir’s air quality scientists. Key findings from the 2023… Continue Reading

The Lie-brary

Center for Climate Integrity: “Evidence shows that Big Oil & Gas knew as early as the 1960s that their products would lead to climate change, and that it could have disastrous impacts worldwide. This collection of internal company documents has been compiled thanks to the work of journalists, independent researchers, and academics. They Knew Scientists… Continue Reading

State of the science on plastic chemicals

PlastChem – Identifying and addressing chemicals and polymers of concern. “Chemicals are a central aspect of the plastics issue. Although there is a wealth of scientific information on plastic chemicals and polymers to inform policymakers, implementing this evidence is challenging because information is scattered and not easily accessible. The PlastChem report and database address this… Continue Reading