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Category Archives: Energy

U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emission Trends and the Role of the Clean Power Plan

CRS report via FAS – U.S. Carbon Dioxide Emission Trends and the Role of the Clean Power Plan, Jonathan L. Ramseur, Specialist in Environmental Policy. April 11, 2016. “Recent international negotiations and domestic policy developments have generated interest in current and projected U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emission levels. GHG emissions are generated throughout the United… Continue Reading

Analytic Research Foundations for the Next-Generation Electric Grid

“Electricity is the lifeblood of modern society, and for the vast majority of people that electricity is obtained from large, interconnected power grids. However, the grid that was developed in the 20th century, and the incremental improvements made since then, including its underlying analytic foundations, is no longer adequate to completely meet the needs of… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – DOE Laboratory-Directed Research, KC-46 Tanker Aircraft, Architect of the Capitol, Cloud Computing, IRS

Federal Research: Information on DOE’s Laboratory-Directed Research and Development Program, GAO-16-486R: Published: Apr 8, 2016. Publicly Released: Apr 8, 2016. KC-46 Tanker Aircraft: Challenging Testing andDelivery Schedules Lie Ahead, GAO-16-346: Published: Apr 8, 2016. Publicly Released: Apr 8, 2016. Architect of the Capitol: Contracting Function Generally Follows Key Practices, but Certain Improvements Are Needed, GAO-16-348:… Continue Reading

24/7 Wall Street – The Healthiest County in Every State

The Healthiest County in Every State By Thomas C. Frohlich and Evan Comen April 7, 2016. “Governments, individuals, and corporations spend an enormous amount of time and money to keep Americans healthy. Investments in anything from medical research, health care, insurance, nutritional programs, and exercise facilities is meant to improve residents’ health and well-being. Such… Continue Reading

White House Fact Sheet: What Climate Change Means for Your Health and Family

Via the White House: “Today, delivering on another commitment in the President’s Climate Action Plan, the Obama Administration released a new final report called The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment, which significantly advances what we know about the impacts of climate change on public health, and… Continue Reading

Report – Clean Jobs America

Via Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) – Clean Jobs America – A comprehensive analysis of clean energy jobs in America. “In a comprehensive analysis of clean energy and clean transportation jobs, Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) has found that more than 2.5 million Americans now work in clean energy at businesses across all 50 states. These are workers who… Continue Reading

The Environmental Cost of Global Fuel Subsidies

Davis, Lucas W., The Environmental Cost of Global Fuel Subsidies (March 2016). NBER Working Paper No. w22105. Available at SSRN: “Despite increasing calls for reform many countries continue to provide subsidies for gasoline and diesel. This paper quantifies the external costs of global fuel subsidies using the latest available data and estimates from the… Continue Reading

Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Lending: Revised Comptroller’s Handbook Booklet

News release: “The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) issued today the “Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Lending” booklet of the Comptroller’s Handbook. This revised booklet replaces the “Oil and Gas Production Lending” booklet issued in April 2014. This booklet provides updated guidance to examiners on the risks inherent in lending to… Continue Reading

Natural gas to surpass coal in mix of fuel used for 2016 US power generation

“For decades, coal has been the dominant energy source for generating electricity in the United States. EIA’s Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO) is now forecasting that 2016 will be the first year that natural gas-fired generation exceeds coal generation in the United States on an annual basis. Natural gas generation first surpassed coal generation on a… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Social Security Disability, Oil and Gas Management, U.S. Secret Service

Social Security Disability: SSA Could Increase Savings by Refining Its Selection of Cases for Disability Review, GAO-16-250: Published: Feb 11, 2016. Publicly Released: Mar 14, 2016. Oil and Gas Management: Interior’s Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Restructuring Has Not Addressed Long-Standing Oversight Deficiencies, GAO-16-245: Published: Feb 10, 2016. Publicly Released: Mar 11, 2016. U.S.… Continue Reading

Toxic coal ash pollution impacts residents in hundreds of communities

Via Mother Jones – Weird Ailments, Toxic Water, Dismissive Officials—and No, This Isn’t Flint – The environmental justice disaster you’ve never heard of, by Julia Lurie “…coal ash—a toxic byproduct of burning coal that has quietly become one of America’s worst environmental justice problems. The ashes are often laden with arsenic, lead, mercury, and other… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Bee Health, Oil and Gas Management, US Secret Service

Bee Health: USDA and EPA Should Take Additional Actions to Address Threats to Bee Populations, GAO-16-220: Published: Feb 10, 2016. Publicly Released: Mar 11, 2016. Oil and Gas Management: Interior’s Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Restructuring Has Not Addressed Long-Standing Oversight Deficiencies, GAO-16-245: Published: Feb 10, 2016. Publicly Released: Mar 11, 2016. U.S. Secret… Continue Reading