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Category Archives: Energy

The Hill – New EPA chief’s emails reveal coordination with oil interests

The Hill – “Emails from new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt’s tenure as Oklahoma attorney general reveal several instances of coordination between his office and oil interests in his state. The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) released the emails on Wednesday, one day after Pruitt’s former office turned them over to a state court… Continue Reading

WaPo – NASA is posting climate change science info on social media that contradict views of Trump and his top officials

NASA is posting climate change science info on social media that contradict views of Trump and his top officials: “If you peruse NASA’s social media feeds dedicated to climate change, you would have no clue a new administration has taken power that has expressed doubts about the reality or seriousness of the issue. Every day, NASA has… Continue Reading

World Bank Scores Sustainable Energy Policies in 111 Countries

World Bank: “An increasing number of developing countries – Mexico, China, Turkey, India, Vietnam, Brazil, and South Africa – are emerging as leaders in sustainable energy, with robust policies to support energy access, renewables and energy efficiency, according to a new World Bank Report. But there is huge room for improvement across every region in… Continue Reading

2016 U.S. Wind Industry Market Reports

Wind Surpasses Hydroelectric as Top U.S. Renewable Energy Source “American Wind Energy Association releases U.S. Wind Industry Quarterly Market Reports each quarter to provide a snapshot view of U.S. wind industry activity and trends, including new wind capacity installed, wind projects under construction and in the advanced stages of development, along with newly signed power purchase… Continue Reading

Advocacy groups challenge Trump regulatory rollback order

Follow up to previous posting – Executive Order on Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs – via the National Resources Defense Council – “The order goes beyond the president’s authority under the Constitution, rewriting laws by personal fiat rather than through a constitutional process. It would require federal agencies to violate both their legal obligations to… Continue Reading

Congressman Gaetz Proposes Legislation to Abolish the EPA

News release, February 2, 2017 – “A Northwest Florida lawmaker wants to do away with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by 2018.  Congressman Matt Gaetz has his eyes set on abolishing the federal program as his first order of business in his new role…” Text of the bill is not yet available – the link is… Continue Reading

EPA – Electronics: The Next Frontier in Sustainability

Mathy Stanislaus, The EPA Blog – “Last year was quite a year for the Office of Land and Emergency Management. October marked the 40th anniversary of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, and we have been taking stock of our success managing our materials and waste, and discussing where we need to head in the… Continue Reading

Protecting Climate Data in Times of Political Turmoil

Via UCLA Center for Knowledge Structure: “The Southern California Climate Data Protection Project helps to build a refuge for climate change data and supports climate and environmental research and advocacy. We are committed to evidence-based arguments. Our goal is to preserve the research society needs at a time of ongoing climate change. This concern is… Continue Reading

It Is Two and a Half Minutes to Midnight according to the Doomsday Clock

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists: “For the last two years, the minute hand of the Doomsday Clock stayed set at three minutes before the hour, the closest it had been to midnight since the early 1980s. In its two most recent annual announcements on the Clock, the Science and Security Board warned: “The probability of… Continue Reading

EPA staff directed to cease use of social media, blogs, press releases, agency site content updates

Via MediaITE: “In a memo sent out to staff at the Environmental Protection Agency, the Trump Administration has prohibited press releases, social media postings, blog posts or new content placed on the agency’s website.” Continue Reading

Climate Change removed from new White House website

HuffPo: “The White House website has removed the page devoted to climate change action and posted newly sworn-in President Donald Trump’s pledge to undo environmental regulations and “revive America’s coal industry.”  The 361-word policy outline on the new page, titled “America First Energy Plan,” makes no reference to global warming or climate change, except to… Continue Reading

Beige Book Summary of Commentary on Current Economic Conditions By Federal Reserve District January 2017

Overall Economic Activity – “Reports from the twelve Federal Reserve Districts indicated that the economy continued to expand at a modest pace across most regions from late November through the end of the year. Manufacturers in most Districts reported increased sales with several citing a turnaround versus earlier in 2016. Growth in the energy industry… Continue Reading