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Category Archives: Energy

Our World Transformed: Geopolitical Shocks and Risks

The Atlantic Council Report, April 2017  – “No one can be complacent about geopolitical risks these days. The shocks and surprises of the past few years show how easily assumptions about liberal markets, international relations, conflict, and democracy can be shaken. Geopolitical volatility has become a key driver of uncertainty, and will remain one over… Continue Reading

Axios – New Executive orders in the pipeline impact energy, environment, VA

Axios Sneak Peak: Here are the executive orders coming this week, per a White House source with direct knowledge: “Executive Order Improving Accountability and Whistleblower Protections at the Department of Veterans Affairs”: “This Executive Order will establish, in the Department of Veterans Affairs, an Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection. The Office will help the… Continue Reading

Putting a value on injuries to natural assets: The BP oil spill

Putting a value on injuries to natural assets: The BP oil spill. Science  21 Apr 2017: Vol. 356, Issue 6335, pp. 253-254. DOI: 10.1126/science.aam8124 “When large-scale accidents cause catastrophic damage to natural or cultural resources, government and industry are faced with the challenge of assessing the extent of damages and the magnitude of restoration that… Continue Reading

WaPo Special Report – EPA, Labor Dept. are targeted by industry leaders after Trump solicits policy advice

“The president invited American manufacturers to recommend ways to cut regulations and make it easier to get their projects approved. Industry leaders responded with suggestions to remove more than 150 regulations and painted the clearest picture yet of the dramatic steps Trump officials are likely to take in overhauling federal policies.” Continue Reading

Obama Administration 2016 DOE Transition Books

2016 DOE Transition Books prepared by November 1, 2016, by the former Administration for the Transition Team as required by the Presidential Transition Improvements Act (PTIA) of 2015. MAAdm_TransitionBook1-CorporateOverview2016.pdf (2.34 MB) MAAdm_TransitionBook2-CorporateOverviewApp2016.pdf MAAdm_TransitionBook3-OrganizationOverviews2016.pdf(5.55 MB) Slides from Secretary Moniz’s Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Presentation FY 2017 Budget Request Before the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee… Continue Reading

Maryland Bans Fracking!

Potomac River Keepers – “The Maryland General Assembly passed a statewide fracking ban bill, HB 1325, with veto-proof majorities. Maryland is the third state to ban fracking, but the first state with gas reserves to pass a ban through the legislature. This victory was due to the massive statewide and people-powered grassroots campaign organized by the Don’t… Continue Reading

The United Nations World Water Development Report

2017 UN World Water Development Report, Wastewater: The Untapped Resource – “Most human activities that use water produce wastewater. As the overall demand for water grows, the quantity of wastewater produced and its overall pollution load are continuously increasing worldwide. Over 80% of the world’s wastewater – and over 95% in some least developed countries – is released to… Continue Reading

Yale Climate Opinion Maps – U.S. 2016

Howe, Peter D., Matto Mildenberger, Jennifer R. Marlon, and Anthony Leiserowitz (2015). “Geographic variation in opinions on climate change at state and local scales in the USA.” Nature Climate Change, doi:10.1038/nclimate2583 This version of the Yale Climate Opinion Maps is based on data through the year 2016. Public opinion about global warming is an important… Continue Reading

Report – More Action Needed to Meet Energy Goals by 2030

“The current pace of progress on three global energy goals – access to electricity, renewable energy and efficiency – is not moving fast enough to meet 2030 targets, according to the latest Global Tracking Framework (GTF) report released today by the World Bank and the International Energy Agency as part of the Sustainable Energy for All Knowledge… Continue Reading

Energy Department climate office bans use of phrase ‘climate change’

Politico, Eric Wolff – “The Office of International Climate and Clean Energy is the only office at DOE with the words ‘climate’ in its name, and it may be endangered as Trump looks to reorganize government agencies. A supervisor at the Energy Department’s international climate office told staff this week not to use the phrases “climate… Continue Reading

Methane and natural gas leaks tracked using Google Earth street view

Futurism – Google Earth’s Street View cars are being used for more than just maps: scientists have equipped them with pollution trackers so they can help spot natural gas leaks. “…A team led by researchers from the Colorado State University (CSU), the Environmental Defense Fund, and Google Earth Outreach came up with a creative way… Continue Reading