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Category Archives: Energy

European Council Council of EU Roadmap for Recovery

“The European Roadmap towards lifting of COVID-19 containment measures, charting the best way towards lifting the exceptional constraints without causing negative spill-over effects. The situation should be followed closely and there should be as much coordination as possible to meet the challenges ahead of us linked to the lifting of the restrictions, especially with regard to the… Continue Reading

Financial Sources on the Internet 2020

Via LLRX – Financial Sources on the Internet 2020 – This is Marcus Zillman’s selective and wide ranging guide to mostly free financial, market, benchmarking, data and knowledge discovery resources on the internet. The guide is especially useful during this time of financial tumult, and will be updated in future as we continue to experience… Continue Reading

How to Keep the Gas Fresh, Protect Your Car During Coronavirus Pandemic

Consumer Reports – Experts give some simple tips to protect your engine from stale gas if your car is sitting idle – There are a lot fewer cars out on the road right now, because many drivers are isolating in their homes to protect against the spread of the coronavirus. Overall road travel in the… Continue Reading

Data Reveals the True Impact of the Coronavirus Outbreak

Wired –  In some countries, satellite images, internet speed, and traffic information reveal what governments won’t. “As the coronavirus crisis engulfs the planet, some think that using official data to make sense of the situation only helps so much. Governments might be deliberately obfuscating what is going on in the country—as China did in the… Continue Reading

Surprising sources of light pollution in states around the US

Mysterious Light Sources Alex Altair: “I got my first telescope in 2017, in time for the Great American Eclipse. I started paying attention to the concept of light pollution, including finding detailed maps of what places had high or low amounts of light pollution. After looking up nearby areas that were potentially good for stargazing,… Continue Reading

You want to reduce the carbon footprint of your food?

Focus on what you eat, not whether your food is local – “Our World in Data presents the empirical evidence on global development in entries dedicated to specific topics. This blog post draws on data and research discussed in our entry on the Environmental impacts of food and CO2 and Greenhouse Gas Emissions.”People across the… Continue Reading

Global Tailings Dam Portal Project

Press release, 24 January 2020: World’s first public database of mine tailings dams aims to prevent deadly disasters – “The team at GRID-Arendal has built the Global Tailings Portal, a public, searchable database with detailed information on more than 1,700 mine tailings dams around the world. The data is based on disclosures provided by mining… Continue Reading

The Philadelphia Suburbs Where Many Don’t Drink the Water – About 80,000 people in three townships outside Philadelphia live in an area where the groundwater has been contaminated by chemicals used for decades in firefighting foam at two nearby decommissioned military bases. The Defense Department has cited 401 bases in the U.S. with a known or suspected release of the firefighting foam containing chemicals… Continue Reading

U.S. Media Polarization and the 2020 Election: A Nation Divided

Deep partisan divisions exist in the news sources Americans trust, distrust and rely on: “As the U.S. enters a heated 2020 presidential election year, a new Pew Research Center report finds that Republicans and Democrats place their trust in two nearly inverse news media environments.  Overall, Republicans and Republican-leaning independents view many heavily relied on… Continue Reading

The environmental cost of keeping mail and files online keeps rising

Bloomberg via Japan Times / no paywall: “Everyone has seen warnings at the end of email saying, “Please consider the environment before printing.” But for those who care about global warming, you might want to consider not writing so many emails in the first place. More and more, people rely on their electronic mailbox as… Continue Reading

OPEC World Oil Outlook 2019

“OPEC’s World Oil Outlook (WOO) is part of the Organization’s commitment to market stability. The publication is a means to highlight and further the understanding of the many possible future challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the oil industry. It is also a channel to encourage dialogue, cooperation and transparency between OPEC and other… Continue Reading