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Category Archives: Energy

If you’re not a climate reporter yet, you will be

Nieman Lab: “Covid-19 coverage offers lessons for reporting on the climate crisis. The degree of interdisciplinary collaboration with the science desk is new, and it could prove a model for how news organizations cover the climate crisis.. Never in the history of modern news journalism has a science story — the story of a new… Continue Reading

4 cheap ways to get solar power at home ASAP

CNet – “Not everyone needs large-scale solar panels. These budget alternatives offer the benefits of solar energy without the big price tag…There are a multitude of stationary and portable lights that can run on solar power that you can easily add to your home. Start your solar journey in your yard. I personally have solar walkway… Continue Reading

Explore Thousands Of FAA Drone And Unidentified Aircraft Incident Reports With Our Interactive Tool

The Drive: “We are excited to announce the launch of our new interactive tool that maps and makes searchable thousands of unmanned aircraft system (UAS) and unidentified aircraft incident reports. The vast dataset is drawn from information compiled by the Federal Aviation Administration. Some of the reports are highly unusual, going far beyond typical low-altitude… Continue Reading

Over 10,000 Amazon rainforest species risk extinction, landmark report warns

CBC CA: “More than 10,000 species of plants and animals are at high risk of extinction due to the destruction of the Amazon rainforest — 35 per cent of which has already been deforested or degraded, according to the draft of a landmark scientific report published on Wednesday. Produced by the Science Panel for the Amazon (SPA),… Continue Reading

Keeping Track of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Progress and Targets in 167 Cities Worldwide

Keeping Track of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Progress and Targets in 167 Cities Worldwide: “Actions in cities shape the outcome of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission mitigation and our climate change response. Accurate and consistent carbon inventories are essential for identifying the main sources of emissions and global comparison of carbon reduction progress and would help… Continue Reading

A Low Carbon Fuel Standard: In Brief

CRS: A Low Carbon Fuel Standard: In Brief July 7, 2021: “One policy option Congress may examine is a low carbon fuel standard (LCFS). An LCFS is a policy that requires transportation fuels to meet a certain energy-related GHG target (e.g., a specific carbon intensity) within a specified jurisdiction and time frame. Some states have… Continue Reading

Join NYT Today for Netting Zero Virtual Event Series on Climate Change

“Each episode of Netting Zero brings together New York Times journalists with climate experts from business, policy, government, and civil society. Join us on July 1 to discuss our built environment – The New York Times  Thursday, July 11:30 p.m. E.T. | 10:30 a.m. P.T. | 6:30 p.m. B.S.T.  In the past year, as cities… Continue Reading

Tree Equity Score

“A map of tree cover in any city in the United States is too often a map of race and income. This is unacceptable. Trees are critical infrastructure that every person in every neighborhood deserves. Trees can help address damaging environmental inequities like air pollution. The score evaluates data from each neighborhood’s: Existing tree canopy;… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, June 27, 2021

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, June 27, 2021 – Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the… Continue Reading

Have we reached peak ransomware?

ZDNet – “How the internet’s biggest security problem has grown and what happens next. A string of high-profile cyberattacks has made ransomware an impossible issue to ignore – in fact, even world leaders are talking about it. Will this be enough to make cyber criminals think twice? Ransomware has become such a significant problem that… Continue Reading

How to Protect Species and Save the Planet—at Once

IPBES-IPCC Co-Sponsored Workshop – Biodiversity and Climate Change Workshop Report, June 10, 2021 “In December 2020, 50 of the world’s leading biodiversity and climate experts, selected by a 12-person Scientific Steering Committee assembled by IPBES and IPCC, participated in a four-day virtual workshop to examine the synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity protection and climate change… Continue Reading