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Category Archives: Energy

TIME 100 Most Influential Companies of 2022

“Which businesses and corporate leaders are shaping our future? That’s the question at the heart of TIME 100 Most Influential Companies, an annual list that highlights businesses making an extraordinary impact around the world. To assemble it, TIME solicits nominations across sectors including health care, entertainment, technology, and more from our global network of editors… Continue Reading

Environmental Groups Pressure Bitcoin Community to Lower Energy Use

WSJ – Consortium launches effort advocating changes to the cryptocurrency’s code – “A consortium of environmental groups launched a campaign on Monday seeking to change bitcoin’s code to decrease its energy use, which has grown substantially in the past few years. Bitcoin is popular among some investors, but its energy use has riled environmental groups,… Continue Reading

Discover Which Corporations are Biggest Regulatory Violators and Lawbreakers Throughout US

Philip Mattera – Research Director of Good Jobs First & Director of the Corporate Research Project: “The latest expansion of Violation Tracker includes more than 2,000 consumer protection and safety cases brought by state public utility commissions across the country over the past two decades. We’ve published a report called Policing the Grid which analyzes… Continue Reading

Phaseout Pathways for Fossil Fuel Production Within Paris-compliant Carbon Budgets

Calverley, D., & Anderson, K. (2022). Phaseout Pathways for Fossil Fuel Production Within Paris-compliant Carbon Budgets. Tyndall Center for Climate Research, The University of Manchester, 22 March 2022 “To comply with the carbon budget for a 50:50 chance of not exceeding 1.5°C of warming requires immediate and deep cuts in the production of all fossil… Continue Reading

Net Zero Tracker and Green Finance Measures Database

Net Zero Tracker – “We analyse all countries and territories, every region in the 25 largest emitting countries and all cities with 500,000+ inhabitants… The Green Finance Measures Database includes policy and regulatory measures issued by public authorities, including governments, central banks, financial regulators, and public financial institutions. For more information on the database please see the… Continue Reading

Over 400 Companies Have Withdrawn from Russia—But Some Remain

@JeffSonnenfeld: There are 33 companies that are defying demands for exit/reduction of activities from Russia [“The list is updated continuously by Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and his research team at the Yale Chief Executive Leadership Institute to reflect new announcements from companies in as close to real time as possible.”] Click here to read the March 17th… Continue Reading

ProPublica Releasing Data Behind Our Toxic Air Analysis

“Today ProPublica is releasing the data behind our investigative series “Sacrifice Zones,” which revealed more than 1,000 hot spots of cancer-causing industrial air pollution around the country. Researchers can now download the principal data files behind our investigation from our Data Store. The data that we used for the analysis is based on the Environmental… Continue Reading

2022 10 Breakthrough Technologies

MIT Technology Review: “Our annual list of 10 Breakthrough Technologies highlights the technological advances that we think will have the biggest impact on the world in the years to come. Every year, our reporters and editors survey a wide range of topics, from medicine to energy to digital technologies, to select advances that will affect… Continue Reading

Stanford Methane Study | Social Pack

Via Marcelo Gonzales Montoya, “New research from Stanford University finds that the EPA dramatically undercounts and undervalues methane’s climate impact. The study finds that methane’s impact on warming is best considered over the short-term – just 24 years – rather than the EPA’s preferred method, which calculates its impact over 100 years. Methane is a… Continue Reading

Stress in America Money, inflation, war pile on to nation stuck in COVID-19 survival mode

“March 11, 2022, marks the second anniversary of the COVID-19 global pandemic declaration by the World Health Organization. In the two years since that declaration, virtually all aspects of life have been altered. To better understand the impact of the past two years on individual stress, the American Psychological Association partnered with The Harris Poll… Continue Reading