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Category Archives: Energy

Beyond Catastrophe A New Climate Reality Is Coming Into View

The New York Times Magazine – David Wallace-Well – “…Over the last several months, I’ve had dozens of conversations — with climate scientists and economists and policymakers, advocates and activists and novelists and philosophers — about that new world and the ways we might conceptualize it. Perhaps the most capacious and galvanizing account is one… Continue Reading

Countries’ climate promises still not enough to avoid catastrophic global warming

Climate Plans Remain Insufficient: More Ambitious Action Needed Now – “A new report from UN Climate Change shows countries are bending the curve of global greenhouse gas emissions downward but underlines that these efforts remain insufficient to limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. According to the report,… Continue Reading

Plastic recycling a “failed concept”

CBS News – only 5% of plastics recycled in U.S. last year as production rises: “Plastic recycling rates are declining even as production shoots up, according to a Greenpeace USA report out Monday that blasted industry claims of creating an efficient, circular economy as “fiction.” Titled “Circular Claims Fall Flat Again,” the study found that… Continue Reading

Home solar panel adoption continues to rise in the U.S.

Pew: “President Joe Biden recently signed into law new legislation that includes larger investments in renewable energy and measures to address climate change. Among its provisions is a 30% solar tax credit that could spur more Americans to “go solar” over the next decade. While residential solar power currently generates just a fraction of the… Continue Reading

EPA Releases 2021 Data Collected under Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program

[October 17, 2022] “the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released 2021 greenhouse gas (GHG) data collected under the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program (GHGRP). There has been an overall long-term decreasing trend in industry GHG emissions since 2011, primarily driven by a decrease in emissions from power plants. In 2021, reported emissions from large industrial… Continue Reading

Effective Activist

Effective Activist – An Evidence-Based Guide to Progressive Social Change: “Introduction: Why Read the Effective Activist Guide? Why do we engage in activism? For most of us, something that we love has been stolen. Climate change is ravaging the natural world and our communities. Jails are filled with Black and Brown men2whose only crime was… Continue Reading

Visualizing Countries’ Climate Risks

Center for Data Innovation: “Datawrapper, a data visualization creation company based in Germany, has created a visualization comparing countries’ risks from climate change. The visualization contains a horizontal axis representing countries’ vulnerability and a vertical axis representing countries’ readiness. It places each country into a quadrant and displays a correlating color for that quadrant. The… Continue Reading

Securing the U.S. Electricity Grid from Cyberattacks

GAO Blog: “Reliable electricity is essential to the conveniences of modern life and vital to our nation’s economy and security. But the electricity grid is an attractive target for cyberattacks from U.S. adversaries—such as nations like China and Russia, as well as individual bad actors, such as insiders and criminals. So, how is the electricity… Continue Reading

Exploring gaps in city climate planning and the need for regional action

Brookings: “The growing threats from climate change leave the global population no choice: We must decarbonize human activity as soon as possible. That includes changing how we build, travel, generate power, and more to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Achieving such transformative change will require a mix of policy reforms, new technologies, and significant capital… Continue Reading

EPA Launches New Online Tools to Provide Communities with Information on Environmental Enforcement and Compliance

“The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced two new online tools available to the public that provide additional information on environmental enforcement and compliance in their communities. Through improved transparency, advanced technologies and community participation, these tools empower the public to help EPA assure compliance nationwide and protect public health and the environment.Members of the… Continue Reading

US Cities Are Recycling Trees and Poop to Make Compost

Wired: “American trees are in trouble. Based on recent estimates, up to one in every six native species in the continental US is in danger of going extinct, due to mounting threats such as invasive species, diseases, climate change, logging, and wildfires. Metropolitan areas, meanwhile, are losing an astounding 36 million trees every year, according… Continue Reading