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Category Archives: E-Records

Microsoft: Chinese Hackers Have Been Exploiting Our Email Product to Steal Data

Gizmodo: “In the latest in a string of security-related headaches for Microsoft, the company warned customers Tuesday that state sponsored hackers from China have been exploiting flaws in one of its widely used email products, Exchange, in order to target American companies for data theft. In several recently published blog posts, the company listed four… Continue Reading

Classifying Litigation Documents by Type

Osgood, Gene, Classifying Litigation Documents by Type (November 6, 2020). Proceedings of the 4th Annual RELX Search Summit, Available at SSRN: “Law firms typically have large document repositories of litigation documents. Attorneys often want to locate litigation documents of a particular type, such as a motion to dismiss. Tagging each document with its type… Continue Reading

The importance of technology competence when communicating electronically

Sui Generis – Nicole Black: “I’m sure that by now you’ve already seen the now infamous cat filter court hearing video. If not, Google it and watch it. I’ll wait. Now that you’re back, let’s talk about how you can avoid replicating that unfortunate predicament. The short answer? By maintaining technology competence when using electronic… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, February 20, 2021

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, February 20, 2021 – Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the… Continue Reading

The Coup We Are Not Talking About

The New York Times – We can have democracy, or we can have a surveillance society, but we cannot have both. Dr. Shoshana Zuboff, a professor emeritus at Harvard Business School, is the author of “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism.” “I have spent exactly 42 years studying the rise of the digital as an economic… Continue Reading

Jones Day, Goodwin Breach Highlights Need for Vendor Vetting

Bloomberg Law – “An attack on a file-sharing company used by Big Law firms highlights the importance of vetting third-party vendors to better safeguard confidential client data, privacy and cybersecurity professionals say. Both Jones Day and Goodwin Procter were affected in recent weeks by a breach at Accellion, which provides file transfer and other services… Continue Reading

SolarWinds: How Russian spies hacked the Justice, State, Treasury, Energy and Commerce Departments

60 Minutes: “President Biden inherited a lot of intractable problems, but perhaps none is as disruptive as the cyber war between the United States and Russia simmering largely under the radar. Last March, with the coronavirus spreading uncontrollably across the United States, Russian cyber soldiers released their own contagion by sabotaging a tiny piece of… Continue Reading

Modernizing the “High Speed Handoff” between the Legislative and Executive

Modernizing the “High Speed Handoff” between the Legislative and Executive: An Interview with Treasury’s Adam Goldberg and Justin Marsico: “HData CEO Hudson Hollister recently interviewed Adam Goldberg and Justin Marsico on their work furthering data standardization across the federal government, progress toward innovation and transformation at the U.S. Treasury Department, and modernization in the warrant… Continue Reading

Lawsuit Saves Trump White House Records

“The National Security Archive et. al. v. Donald J. Trump et. al. lawsuit, filed December 1, 2020 to prevent a possible bonfire of records in the Rose Garden, achieved a formal litigation hold on White House records that lasted all the way through the transition and Inauguration Day, the preservation of controversial WhatsApp messages, and a formal… Continue Reading

Thanks to the Internet Archive the history of American newspapers is more searchable than ever

NiemanLab: “My two intellectual loves are history and journalism — alternately, history and its first draft — and I’m always happy to see the two overlap. That’s the case with word that the Internet Archive has digitized nearly the entire back catalog of Editor & Publisher — for decades the bible of the newspaper industry… Continue Reading