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Category Archives: E-Records

Artificial Intelligence and the Practice of Law Part 1

Murray, Michael D., Artificial Intelligence and the Practice of Law Part 1: Lawyers Must be Professional and Responsible Supervisors of AI (June 14, 2023). Available at SSRN: or  – This article discusses the benefits and challenges of using artificial intelligence (AI) systems to assist lawyers in legal practice. It argues that at present… Continue Reading

Your Phone Isn’t Spying on You to Show You Ads (It’s Worse Than That)

Lifehacker: “…What data your phone is actually collecting. Instead of eavesdropping and storing your voice as many assume, your apps, phone, watch, game system, computer, and probably your oven are greedily collecting every data point they possibly can, including but not limited to your: Location information (both through your device’s location settings and IP address)… Continue Reading

Data Insecurity Laws

Stein, David, Data Insecurity Laws (July 27, 2023). __ Santa Clara High Tech. L.J. __ (Forthcoming), Available at SSRN:– “By broad consensus, data security laws have failed to stem a rising tide of data breaches. Data security laws come in three forms: duties to protect data, duties to notify consumers after a breach, and… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve communications

Jeremy Singer-Vine, Data is Plural: Agam Shah et al. have compiled a corpus of key communications by the US Federal Reserve’s Federal Open Market Committee, which “controls the three tools of monetary policy — open market operations, the discount rate, and reserve requirements.” Gathered from the Fed’s website, the corpus includes all meeting minutes and… Continue Reading

How to Sort of Remove Your Online Presence

How to Geek: “Privacy-focused apps, better browsing practices, and data broker opt-outs are all ways to scrub as much information as possible from the internet. Removing yourself from the internet is difficult, but you can take steps to minimize your online footprint and make it harder for your data to be sold. Opt out of… Continue Reading

Canon warns printer users to manually wipe Wi-Fi settings before discarding

Ars Technica: “Printer manufacturer Canon is warning that sensitive Wi-Fi settings don’t automatically get wiped during resets, so customers should manually delete them before selling, discarding, or getting them repaired to prevent the settings from falling into the wrong hands. “Sensitive information on the Wi-Fi connection settings stored in the memories of inkjet printers (home… Continue Reading

Sen. Warren Probes Google’s Quest for Soldiers’ Medical Data

ProPublica: “Reflecting rising concerns that Big Tech’s infatuation with artificial intelligence threatens privacy and economic competition, Sen. Elizabeth Warren has begun investigating Google’s efforts to swoop up medical information derived from biopsy specimens of millions of military service members. Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat and the chair of the Senate Armed Services Subcommittee on Personnel, wrote… Continue Reading

The excellent Arc browser is now available for anyone to download

The Verge: “Arc, the Mac and iOS browser from The Browser Company, is finally ditching its waitlist. The company has been testing the app for more than two years and has, until now, made every interested user sign up for a waitlist. But now, it’s launching for real. Arc’s version number just jumped to 1.0,… Continue Reading

New Tool Shows if Your Car Might Be Tracking You, Selling Your Data

Vice: “A new tool that is free to use for consumers aims to better inform people about the types of data their particular car manufacturer might be collecting and sharing about their identity and driving patterns. The Vehicle Privacy Report tool, made by automotive privacy company Privacy4Cars, is based on a manual and automatic analysis… Continue Reading

AI Watches Millions Of Cars Daily And Tells Cops If You’re Driving Like A Criminal

Forbes: “Artificial intelligence is helping American cops look for “suspicious” patterns of movement, digging through license plate databases with billions of records. A drug trafficking case in New York has uncloaked — and challenged — one of the biggest rollouts of the controversial technology to date… Rekor’s big sell is that its software doesn’t require… Continue Reading

Amazon’s palm-scanning payment system is coming to all Whole Foods stores by the end of the year

Fast Company [so this is scary – 500 stores – palm recognition is the new facial recognition?]: “Amazon has announced that its palm-scanning payment technology, called Amazon One, will roll out to all 500-plus Whole Foods locations by the end of 2023. Amazon first introduced the contactless Amazon One payment system in 2020, but its… Continue Reading

Proton Mail is Fighting Back Against Tracking Links

How To Geek: “Emails are full of tracking links, especially in newsletters and promotional mailing lists, which can pass sensitive information about you to the sender. They’re such a problem that Proton Mail, the privacy-sensitive alternative to Gmail and other email platforms, is trying to prevent it with a new “Tracking Links Protection” feature. When… Continue Reading