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Category Archives: E-Records

Watch FedFlix – *No late charges* in the public domain!

“FedFlix is a joint venture with the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) in cooperation with other government agencies including the National Archives. They send us government videotapes, we upload them to the Internet Archive, YouTube, and our own public domain stock footage video library — then we send the government back their videotapes and a… Continue Reading

Intel – 2010 HIMSS Security Survey

2010 HIMSS Security Survey Sponsored by Intel, Final Report, November 3, 2010 “Now in its third year, the 2010 HIMSS Security Survey [Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society], sponsored by Intel reports the opinions of information technology (IT) and security professionals from healthcare provider organizations across the U.S. regarding key issues surrounding the tools and… Continue Reading

NARA Report on Federal Web 2.0 Use and Record Value

“In Fiscal Year 2010, the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) undertook a study to observe how agencies are using web 2.0 tools to conduct business and identify characteristics that may affect the value of information created and shared in web 2.0 formats. A NARA team interviewed six Federal agencies that are using web 2.0… Continue Reading

State Governments at Risk: A Call to Secure Citizen Data and Inspire Public Trust

State Governments at Risk: A Call to Secure Citizen Data and Inspire Public Trust, September 2010 “People put a lot of trust in state governments to collect, maintain and protect the appropriate information necessary to execute their programs, protect individual rights, and ensure public safety. The volume of that information expands at an ever-increasing pace,… Continue Reading

New on Using the Kindle in Library Settings Using the Kindle in Library Settings – A Survey – Special Librarian Montrese Hamilton shares effective ways an electronic document reader may be used to provide customers on-demand access to new content. Beyond instant access to material, e-readers can: reduce the need for Interlibrary loans, help grow the collection without adding shelf space, and… Continue Reading

GAO Pilots New Web-Based Format for Reports – E-Report project offers enhanced navigation for users

“Beyond the usual findings and recommendations for improving federal operations, a new report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is the first to offer a web-based E-Report format to help users navigate content more easily… The new pilot format, which is part of a report on geostationary environmental satellites (GAO-10-799), allows users to quickly… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports: Cyberspace Policy, DOD's Electronic Health Record Initiative, Employment of Individuals with Disabilities

Cyberspace Policy: Executive Branch Is Making Progress Implementing 2009 Policy Review Recommendations, but Sustained Leadership Is Needed, GAO-11-24, October 06, 2010 Information Technology: Opportunities Exist to Improve Management of DOD’s Electronic Health Record Initiative, GAO-11-50, October 06, 2010 Highlights of a Forum: Participant-Identified Leading Practices That Could Increase the Employment of Individuals with Disabilities in… Continue Reading

Biometric Recognition: Challenges and Opportunities

“Biometric recognition–the automated recognition of individuals based on their behavioral and biological characteristic–is promoted as a way to help identify terrorists, provide better control of access to physical facilities and financial accounts, and increase the efficiency of access to services and their utilization. Biometric recognition has been applied to identification of criminals, patient tracking in… Continue Reading

National Archives and Records Administration Issues Guidelines on Cloud Computing

News Release: “The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has issued guidance for Federal Agencies on records management and cloud computing. NARA Bulletin 2010-05: Guidance on Managing Records in Cloud Computing Environments, builds on the NARA FAQ about Cloud Computing posted on the website in February, 2010. The new guidance defines and outlines cloud… Continue Reading

NIST Publishes Approved Testing Procedures for Electronic Health Records

News release: “In efforts to help the nation’s health care industry make the transition to the digital age in an effective and meaningful fashion, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has published a set of approved procedures for testing information technology systems that work with electronic health records (EHRs). Released in draft form… Continue Reading

New on Testing the Accuracy of Database Information Produced in Civil Discovery

Testing the Accuracy of Database Information Produced in Civil Discovery: Conrad J. Jacoby identifies the trend that increasingly electronically stored information (“ESI”) requested in litigation discovery originates in databases or other structured data repositories. Previously, this data was stored in discrete e-mail messages, spreadsheets, and word processing files that have long made up the bulk… Continue Reading