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Category Archives: E-Records

NYT – N.S.A. Collecting Millions of Faces From Web Images

By JAMES RISEN and LAURA POITRAS “The National Security Agency is harvesting huge numbers of images of people from communications that it intercepts through its global surveillance operations for use in sophisticated facial recognition programs, according to top-secret documents. The spy agency’s reliance on facial recognition technology has grown significantly over the last four years as the agency has turned to new… Continue Reading

GAO Report – Agencies Need to Improve Cyber Incident Response Practices

INFORMATION SECURITY: Agencies Need to Improve Cyber Incident Response Practices, GAO-14-354: Published: Apr 30, 2014. Publicly Released: May 30, 2014. “Twenty-four major federal agencies did not consistently demonstrate that they are effectively responding to cyber incidents (a security breach of a computerized system and information). Based on a statistical sample of cyber incidents reported in fiscal year 2012,… Continue Reading

FTC Recommends Congress Require the Data Broker Industry to be More Transparent

Agency Report Shows Data Brokers Collect and Store Billions of Data Elements Covering Nearly Every U.S. Consumer: “In a report issued today on the data broker industry, the Federal Trade Commission finds that data brokers operate with a fundamental lack of transparency. The Commission recommends that Congress consider enacting legislation to make data broker practices… Continue Reading

Wired – new feature for Google+ Photos called Stories

“Stories is a new Google+ Photos feature that automates photo album creation. It collects your photos and videos into natural groupings–like a weekend trip you took to the mountains, or a child’s soccer game–clustered around out-of-the ordinary moments. Then it builds a narrative for you around those clusters of photos, almost instantly and without any… Continue Reading

New Documents Reveal Close Ties Between NSA and Tech Companies, PBS Special to Air

EPIC: “New e-mails obtained under the Freedom of Information Act reveal former NSA Director Keith Alexander’s close communication with technology companies regarding emerging cybersecurity threats. The CEOs of Google, Apple, Microsoft, and other technology companies were invited to classified briefings as part of the “Enduring Security Framework,” a government initiative focused on sharing “cyber threat information with the… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports – Information Security at the SEC, IRS and Large Partnerships

INFORMATION SECURITY: SEC Needs to Improve Controls over Financial Systems and Data, GAO-14-419: Published: Apr 17, 2014. Publicly Released: Apr 17, 2014: “Although the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) had implemented and made progress in strengthening information security controls, weaknesses limited their effectiveness in protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of a key financial system. For this system’s… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports – Electronic Health Records, F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS: HHS Strategy to Address Information Exchange Challenges Lacks Specific Prioritized Actions and Milestones, GAO-14-242: Published: Mar 24, 2014. Publicly Released: Mar 24, 2014: “Providers and stakeholders GAO interviewed in four states with ongoing electronic health information exchange efforts cited key challenges to exchange, in particular, issues related to insufficient standards, concerns about how privacy… Continue Reading

EPIC – Deadline Approaches for End of NSA’s Telephone Record Collection Program

“March 28 marks the deadline set by President Obama to end the NSA’s bulk collection of American’s telephone records. Last week, Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed that the Justice Department is ready to meet the deadline that the President has set. After extensive meetings with leaders of the Intelligence Community, both the President’s Review Group and the Privacy and Civil Liberties… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports – E-Record Health Programs, Nuclear Proliferation, 2013 Sequestration, VA Health Care

ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORD PROGRAMS: Participation Has Increased, but Action Needed to Achieve Goals, Including Improved Quality of Care, GAO-14-207:  Published: Mar 6, 2014. Publicly Released: Mar 6, 2014.  NUCLEAR NONPROLIFERATION: Stronger Planning and Evaluation Needed for Radiological Security Zone Pilot Project, GAO-14-209: Published: Mar 6, 2014. Publicly Released: Mar 6, 2014. 2013 SEQUESTRATION: Agencies Reduced Some Services and Investments, While… Continue Reading

New GAO Reports – Critical Infrastructure Protection, Defense Transportation, Electronic Health Records, Internet Pharmacies, Oil and Gas Mgmt, School Lunch

CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION: Observations on DHS Efforts to Identify, Prioritize, Assess, and Inspect Chemical Facilities, GAO-14-365T: Published: Feb 27, 2014. Publicly Released: Feb 27, 2014. DEFENSE TRANSPORTATION: DOD Can Better Ensure That Federal Agencies Fully Reimburse for Using Military Aircraft, GAO-14-189: Published: Feb 27, 2014. Publicly Released: Feb 27, 2014. ELECTRONIC HEALTH RECORDS: VA and DOD Need to Support Cost and… Continue Reading

Pakistan one of only four countries in the world that make tax records public

Sheila S. Coronel via her blog,  WatchDog Watcher:  “On February 15, Pakistan became one of only four countries in the world that make tax records public. The other three are Norway, Finland and Sweden. A year ago, no one would have thought this was possible. Pakistan, after all, is a cesspool of corruption and a… Continue Reading

Handbook on European data protection law

“This handbook is designed to familiarise legal practitioners who are not specialised in the field of data protection with this area of law. It provides an overview of the EU’s and the CoE’s applicable legal frameworks. The rapid development of information and communication technologies underscores the growing need for the robust protection of personal data –… Continue Reading