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Category Archives: E-Records

FCW obtained official timeline of OPM data breach “An official timeline of the Office of Personnel Management breach obtained by FCW pinpoints the hackers’ calibrated extraction of data and the government’s step-by-step response. It illuminates a sequence of events that lawmakers have struggled to pin down in public hearings with Obama administration officials. The timeline makes clear that the heist of data… Continue Reading

GPO and National Archives Make eCFR available for bulk download in XML

“The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) partners with the National Archives’ Office of the Federal Register (OFR) to make the electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) available in XML format for bulk data download from GPO’s Federal Digital System (FDsys). OFR provides eCFR files to GPO and then GPO converts files into XML. The eCFR… Continue Reading

How Victims Can Regain Control Mitigate Threats in Wake of OPM Breach

 “In June 2015, the Nation learned that the personnel records of 21.5 million United States citizens had been exfiltrated by an unknown adversary from the Office of Personnel Management, one of the largest known breaches in the history of the U.S. Government.  The immediate public outcry included congressional hearings attributing the breach to OPM administrators and… Continue Reading

Invincea 1H 2015 Advanced Endpoint Threat Report

Nextgov: “Malicious code Russians reportedly used to jimmy open a White House network and malware Chinese hackers reportedly used to rupture insurer Anthem’s network were similar — and free, according to new research…The Anthem hackers compromised the Social Security numbers and other personal information of about 80 million customers. The White House hackers infiltrated an… Continue Reading

CRS – National Security Letters in Foreign Intelligence Investigations

National Security Letters in Foreign Intelligence Investigations: A Glimpse at the Legal Background, Charles Doyle, Senior Specialist in American Public Law. July 31, 2015. “Five federal statutes authorize intelligence officials to request certain business record information in connection with national security investigations. The authority to issue these national security letters (NSLs) is comparable to the… Continue Reading

GAO Reports – Electronic Health Records, Trends in U.S. and Chinese Economic Engagement

Electronic Health Records: Outcome-Oriented Metrics and Goals Needed to Gauge DOD’s and VA’s Progress in Achieving Interoperability, GAO-15-530: Published: Aug 13, 2015. Publicly Released: Aug 13, 2015: “DOD and VA did not, by the October 1, 2014, deadline established in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2014 for compliance with national data… Continue Reading

Another Snowden Reveal – Telecom Giant Provides Massive Data Pipeline to NSA

NYT and ProPublica investigative reports: “The National Security Agency’s ability to spy on vast quantities of Internet traffic passing through the United States has relied on its extraordinary, decades-long partnership with a single company: the telecom giant AT&T. While it has been long known that American telecommunications companies worked closely with the spy agency, newly… Continue Reading

Census Bureau Releases Commuting Report and Table Package

“Today, the U.S. Census Bureau released a report, Who Drives to Work? Commuting by Automobile in the United States, 2013, which looks at commuting by private vehicle. The report highlights differences in rates of automobile commuting by population characteristics such as age, race, ethnicity, place of birth and the types of communities in which workers… Continue Reading

CIA Releases Declassified Documents Related to 9/11 Attacks

LANGLEY, VA — [June 12, 2015] “The CIA has released to the public declassified versions of five internal documents related to the Agency’s performance in the lead-up to the attacks of September 11, 2001. The documents can be found at CIA’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) online reading room at The first of these… Continue Reading

Privacy Implications of Health Information Seeking on the Web

Privacy Implications of Health Information Seeking on the Web, By Timothy Libert  Communications of the ACM, Vol. 58 No. 3, Pages 68-77 10.1145/2658983 “Privacy online is an increasingly popular field of study, yet it remains poorly defined. “Privacy” itself is a word that changes according to location, context, and culture. Additionally, the Web is a… Continue Reading

EPIC, Coalition Urge FCC to End Call Record Data Retention

“EPIC and a coalition of leading consumer rights, human rights, and civil liberties organizations, along with members of the EPIC Advisory Board, have petitioned the Federal Communications Commission to end the FCC’s rule requiring mass retention of phone records. Currently, the FCC requires phone companies to retain sensitive information on all customers, including name, address,… Continue Reading