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Category Archives: E-Records

CRS: Court-Ordered Access to Smart Phones: In Brief

Court-Ordered Access to Smart Phones: In Brief – Kristin Finklea, Specialist in Domestic Security; Richard M. Thompson II, Legislative Attorney; Chris Jaikaran, Analyst in Cybersecurity Policy. February 23, 2016. “The tension between the benefits and challenges of encryption has been an issue for law enforcement and policy makers since the 1990s, and was reinvigorated in… Continue Reading

The Rosa Parks Collection is Now Online

“The Rosa Parks Collection at the Library of Congress has been digitized and is now online. The collection, which contains approximately 7,500 manuscripts and 2,500 photographs, is on loan to the Library for 10 years from the Howard G. Buffett Foundation. The Library received the materials in late 2014, formally opened them to researchers in… Continue Reading

National Archives and Records Administration FY 2017 Congressional Justification

National Archives and Records Administration – Summary of the FY 2017 Request Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Request “The vision, mission, and strategic goals established in the FY 2014–FY 2018 NARA Strategic Plan confirm NARA’s commitment to openness, transparency, and citizen engagement through public access to government records. NARA’s new strategic framework adds context and a… Continue Reading

NPR reports on DOJ motion to compel Apple to unlock iPhone

Alina Selyukh writes: “The Department of Justice has filed a motion to compel Apple to cooperate with a government investigation and help access data on an iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino assailants. The motion filed in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California (read it in full below) lays… Continue Reading

CIA Releases Declassified Documents to National Archives

“Today [February 16, 2016], CIA released about 750,000 pages of declassified intelligence papers, records, research files and other content which are now accessible through CIA’s Records Search Tool (CREST) at the National Archives in College Park, MD. This release will include  nearly 100,000 pages of analytic intelligence publication files, and about 20,000 pages of research… Continue Reading

Search Hillary Clinton’s Emails

Via – Search Hillary Clinton’s Emails – The State Department has released five batches of Hillary Clinton’s emails from the time when she was secretary of state. The department is reviewing more than 50,000 pages of Clinton’s messages and releasing them on a monthly schedule. Last updated Jan. 29, 2015. Continue Reading

Kickstarter seeks to make CIA Records Search Tool accessible to researchers

Michael Franco – cnet: “Currently, more than 11 million pages of declassified CIA documents are publicly available via an electronic database called CREST, or the CIA Records Search Tool. While some of these documents — like a batch of UFO related files the CIA cleverly calls its X-Files — are available online, many can only… Continue Reading

Policy Solutions to Fulfill the Promise of Health Information Transformation

Laughlin, Chris, Policy Solutions to Fulfill the Promise of the Health Information Transformation (November 12, 2015). Silicon Flatirons Center, 2016. Available for download at SSRN: “The healthcare system is transforming to a patient-centered model and opening up avenues of innovation. The availability and exchange of patient health information is integral to that transformation. The… Continue Reading

President Obama’s new Cybersecurity National Action Plan

“What is the President’s Cybersecurity National Action Plan (CNAP)? It’s the capstone of more than seven years of effort from this administration that takes near-term actions and puts in place a long-term strategy to ensure the federal government, the private sector, and American citizens can take better control of our digital security. The President’s plan… Continue Reading

Negotiations for UK wiretap order access to US social media

Washington Post: “If U.S. and British negotiators have their way, MI5, the British domestic security service, could one day go directly to American companies like Facebook or Google with a wiretap order for the online chats of British suspects in a counter­terrorism investigation. The transatlantic allies have quietly begun negotiations this month on an agreement… Continue Reading

Reconciling Perspectives: New Report Reframes Encryption Debate

“The Berklett Cybersecurity Project of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University is pleased to announce the publication of a new report entitled “Don’t Panic: Making Progress on the ‘Going Dark’ Debate.” The report examines the high-profile debate around government access to encryption, and offers a new perspective gleaned from the discussion,… Continue Reading

Federal Background Investigations Tasked to New Agency

Via the White House Blog, January 22, 2016 – “The Government has a responsibility to determine the fitness of Federal employees, members of the Armed Forces, and contractors for the jobs they are hired into and for the sensitive work they do on behalf of the American people each and every day. At the same… Continue Reading