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Category Archives: E-Mail

Newsweek – Between 2003 and 2009, the Bush White House “lost” 22 million emails

Gone but not forgotten, email messages lost, not archived, disappeared – at the highest level of government – written by officials from both parties, and lest we forget, this reminder by Nina Burleigh in Newsweek – “For 18 months, Republican strategists, political pundits, reporters and Americans who follow them have been pursuing Hillary Clinton’s personal email… Continue Reading

FBI FOIA Release – Hillary R. Clinton documents

“Hillary Rodham Clinton served as U.S. Secretary of State from January 21, 2009 to February 1, 2013. The FBI conducted an investigation into allegations that classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on a personal e-mail server she used during her tenure.” Via “On Friday afternoon September 2, 2016], the Federal Bureau of Investigation… Continue Reading

Unprecedented mass hack of Democratic members of Congress

PCWorld: “The hacker who claims to have breached the Democratic National Committee’s computers is now taking credit for hacking confidential files from a related campaign group. Guccifer 2.0 alleged on Friday that he also attacked the servers of the Democractic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC). He posted some of the purported files on his blog, and… Continue Reading

NIST Updates Personal Identity Verification Guid

“NIST has recently expanded the flexibility and enhanced the security of Personal Identity Verification (PIV) credentials by updating the following guidelines: • Special Publication (SP) 800-156, Representation of PIV Chain-of-Trust for Import and Export, provides details regarding the use of chain -of -trust for import and export among PIV Card issuers. • SP 800-166, Derived… Continue Reading

HTTPS Windows exploit targets social security numbers, email addresses

Dan Goodin, arstechnica, August 3, 2016: “The HTTPS cryptographic scheme protecting millions of websites is vulnerable to a newly revived attack that exposes encrypted e-mail addresses, social security numbers, and other sensitive data even when attackers don’t have the ability to monitor a targeted end user’s Internet connection. The exploit is notable because it doesn’t… Continue Reading

New initiative from Privacy International tracks the global surveillance industry

“A new initiative launched today by Privacy International aims to track the growth and scale of the global surveillance industry, a shadowy sector consisting of companies selling a wide range of electronic surveillance technology to government agencies across the world. Made available today is the world’s largest publicly available educational resource of data and documents… Continue Reading

Report by 3 companies – Cyber resiliency in the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Cyber resiliency in the Fourth Industrial Revolution – A roadmap for global leaders facing emerging cyber threats “The First Industrial Revolution, in the late 18th century, was driven largely by steam engines. The second, in the late 19th century, introduced mass production and the division of labor. The third, in the late 20th century, involved… Continue Reading

McCaul – Warner Commission on Digital Security

“Chairman Michael McCaul and Senator Mark Warner introduced the Digital Security Commission Act on February, 29, 2016. The purpose of this Commission is to collectively address the larger issue of protecting national security and digital security, without letting encrypted communications become a safe haven for terrorists. This Commission brings together the most capable experts and stakeholders from… Continue Reading

LC target of DNS attack and a commentary on LC and digitization challenges, July 18, 2016: “The Library of Congress was the target of a denial-of-service attack that has knocked out and the U.S. Copyright Office website, and caused outages at other sites hosted by the library. Library spokesperson Gayle Osterberg told FCW that the DNS attack was launched July 17 and continues to affect library… Continue Reading

MuckRock launching a national database of FOIA exemptions

Michael Morisy – We’re building an open guide to every state’s public records law – Help track down and fight every public records exemption across the country. “With agencies increasingly using an array of exemptions to deny access to information, we want to help requesters fight back. We’re launching a project to track every public… Continue Reading

House Homeland Security Report – Going Dark, Going Forward: A Primer on the Encryption Debate

June 29, 2016: “Terrorist attacks in Paris and San Bernardino have sparked a public debate on the use of encryption in our society because the attackers used encrypted communications to evade detection, a phenomenon known as “going dark.” Today, the Majority Staff of the House Homeland Security Committee released a new report entitled, Going Dark,… Continue Reading