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Category Archives: E-Mail

Pence used personal email for state business – and was hacked

Indy Star – Pence used personal email for state business – and was hacked – “Vice President Mike Pence routinely used a private email account to conduct public business as governor of Indiana, at times discussing sensitive matters and homeland security issues. Emails released to IndyStar in response to a public records request show Pence… Continue Reading

Many ‘password challenged’ internet users don’t take steps that could protect their data

“In today’s digitally connected world, where accessing medical records, ordering groceries and paying taxes can all be done online, many internet users find it daunting to keep up with all the various passwords associated with their online accounts. One consequence is that a significant minority of users settle for less secure passwords they can more… Continue Reading

Nuts and Bolts of Encryption: A Primer for Policymakers

Nuts and Bolts of Encryption: A Primer for Policymakers, Edward W. Felten, Center for Information Technology Policy. Department of Computer Science, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, version of February 20, 2017. An up-to-date version of this paper will be available at “This paper offers a straight for ward introduction… Continue Reading

The Hill – New EPA chief’s emails reveal coordination with oil interests

The Hill – “Emails from new Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt’s tenure as Oklahoma attorney general reveal several instances of coordination between his office and oil interests in his state. The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD) released the emails on Wednesday, one day after Pruitt’s former office turned them over to a state court… Continue Reading

Senate Judiciary Democrats Demand Retention of All Documents Related to Trump, Russia

“All nine Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats today called on the White House, the Justice Department and the FBI to preserve all documents related to communication between Russia and all Trump officials and associates, as well as all documents related to Russian interference in the 2016 election. Letter to White House Letter to DOJ, FBI In… Continue Reading

Microsoft Corporation v. DOJ on sneak-and-peek searches

Via Bloomberg – “Microsoft Corp. persuaded a judge not to let the U.S. government out of a lawsuit alleging the company’s free-speech rights are violated by a law that blocks it from alerting users to the clandestine interception of their e-mails. The judge said Microsoft has at least made a plausible argument that federal law… Continue Reading

Beyer, Johnson, Lipinski Ask for Hearing on Trump Administration Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities

“Democratic leaders on the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology sent a letter [February 9, 2017] to their Republican counterparts on the Committee’s majority requesting a hearing on lapses in cybersecurity in the Trump White House.   “Just months ago the House Science Committee’s Republican Majority seemed to believe that cybersecurity for the President’s team… Continue Reading

Politico – Federal workers turn to encryption to thwart Trump

Via Politico: “Federal employees worried that President Donald Trump will gut their agencies are creating new email addresses, signing up for encrypted messaging apps and looking for other, protected ways to push back against the new administration’s agenda. Whether inside the Environmental Protection Agency, within the Foreign Service, on the edges of the Labor Department… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Cybersecurity For Lawyers: The Nitty Gritty

Via – Cybersecurity For Lawyers: The Nitty Gritty – Nicole Black reports that 26 states now require lawyers to stay abreast of changes in legal technology and advises colleagues on how to implement security procedures that will protect your law firm’s data and help to keep client data confidential and secure. Continue Reading

How Citizen Advocacy Is Changing Mail Operations on Capitol Hill

“This report was sponsored by Convio, Fireside21, and VoterVoice. We thank them for their support of CMF’s Partnership for a More Perfect Union. Communicating with Congress: How Citizen Advocacy is Changing Mail Operations on Capitol Hill Key Findings Mail volume in congressional offices continues to increase exponentially. Senate offices reported a 548 percent increase in… Continue Reading

Pew – Americans and Cybersecurity

“Cyberattacks and data breaches are facts of life for government agencies, businesses and individuals alike in today’s digitized and networked world. Just a few of the most high-profile breaches in 2016 alone include the hacking and subsequent release of emails from members of the Democratic National Committee; the release of testing records of dozens of… Continue Reading

ProPublica – How to Protect Your Digital Privacy in the Era of Public Shaming

Americans face unprecedented threats to the digital safety of their personal information. “We offer nine tips to foil hackers, ransomware, online trackers, data brokers and other menaces,” by Julia Angwin, ProPublica, Jan. 26, 2017. “We are living in an era of widespread hacking and public shaming. Don’t like your political rivals? Beg Russia to hack… Continue Reading