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Category Archives: E-Mail

Emails – Oil Was Central in Decision to Shrink Bears Ears Monument

The New York Times: “Even before President Trump officially opened his high-profile review last spring of federal lands protected as national monuments, the Department of Interior was focused on the potential for oil and gas exploration at a protected Utah site, internal agency documents show. The debate started as early as March 2017, when an… Continue Reading

Undocumented Gmail Trick – Search Emails by Date and Time

“Gmail supports a plethora of search operators to help you instantly find that elusive email message buried in your mailbox [this article provides a very useful taxonomy to assist you in creating your search]. You have size search – like larger_than:5mb – to find the big messages in your account. File search – like has:attachment filename:doc – will locate email messages… Continue Reading

What is the U.S. Digital Registry?

“Whether for access to emergency, financial or education public services, users need to trust they are engaging with official U.S. government digital accounts. To help prevent exploitation from unofficial sources, phishing scams, or malicious entities, the U.S. Digital Registry serves as a crowdsource resource for agencies, citizens, and developers to confirm the official status of… Continue Reading

Interview – The U.S. Has Way Too Many Secrets

The U.S. Has Way Too Many Secrets, December 11, 2017 by The Archive. This article originally appeared in Bloomberg. “A Q&A with Tom Blanton, director of the National Security Archive, on the historical value of Hillary Clinton’s emails, the sins of Julian Assange, and what national secrets are really worth keeping. How much does it… Continue Reading

Group of legal tech experts discuss whether email is broken

Is Email Broken? Law Technology Today November 30, 2017 – “Ways to communicate now with clients and collegues have grown tremendously since the days of just using the telephone, faxing a letter and even Emailing. If Email no longer gets the job done, what are our alternatives? Our Panelists Dennis Kennedy (DK), Steve Embry (SE), William Goren (WG),… Continue Reading

S.177 – Data Security and Breach Notification Act of 2015

“Data Security and Breach Notification Act of 2015 – Requires the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to promulgate regulations requiring commercial entities, nonprofit and for-profit corporations, estates, trusts, cooperatives, and other specified entities that own or possess data containing personal information (covered entities), or that contract to have a third-party maintain or process such data for… Continue Reading

Google Study Says Phishing Attacks Are the Biggest Threats to Web Users

DeepDotWeb: “A study by Google discovered that phishing attacks through fake emails were as effective as compared to data breaches that exposed usernames and passwords. Cyber criminals or cyber groups manage to steal over 25,000 valid sets of web credentials for Gmail accounts every week, painting a picture of the extent this problem has reached.… Continue Reading

NIH emails reveal divisions over renewal of gun research program

Science: “For weeks, questions have swirled around the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s (NIH’s) decision to shelve a firearms research program that was launched at the urging of former President Barack Obama’s administration after 20 children and six educators were gunned down at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, late in 2012. Among other… Continue Reading

NIST – Passphrases are the new way to protect your digital world

NIST Blog, Mike Garcia: “…First, I’m going to share the takeaways from our new password guidance. Simply put: Use passphrases, not passwords. Then, I’m going to explain the absolute most important thing to know about passwords: Try not to use them at all. And if you do, don’t rely on passwords, or even passphrases, alone.… Continue Reading