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Category Archives: E-Mail

Government Leads Major Industries In Email Security

NextGov: “The federal government is now using anti-phishing security on its emails at a higher rate than any major industry sector, according to a report released Thursday. The study from the email security firm ValiMail comes roughly six months after the Homeland Security Department mandated the email security tool called DMARC for all federal agencies.… Continue Reading

Quick rundown of the new Gmail

Google Blog: ‘Email is a necessity for most of us. We use it to stay in touch with colleagues and friends, keep up with the latest news, manage to-dos at home or at work—we just can’t live without it. Today we announced major improvements to Gmail on the web to help people be more productive… Continue Reading

Emails Suggest Interior Dept. Prioritizing Fossil Fuel Interests Over Wildlife Well-Being

Pacific Standard – Records reveal that, following requests by fossil fuel industry groups, a top official at the Department of the Interior appeared to take credit for helping to delay new federal protections for a once-endangered species. “The Texas hornshell is a sleek green-gray mussel that once thrived in the Rio Grande watershed, its habitat… Continue Reading

FOIA requests reveal EPA effort to boost impact of industry sponsored research

Union of Concerned Scientists: “Newly released documents obtained by the Union of Concerned Scientists under three separate Freedom of Information Act requests and first reported on by POLITICO demonstrate that the Trojan horse “secret science” proposal being floated by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Scott Pruitt is entirely driven by politics. POLITICO writes: “Since Pruitt… Continue Reading

Protecting Email Privacy—A Battle We Need to Keep Fighting

EFF: “We filed an amicus brief in a federal appellate case called United States v. Ackerman Friday, arguing something most of us already thought was a given—that the Fourth Amendment protects the contents of your emails from warrantless government searches. Email and other electronic communications can contain highly personal, intimate details of our lives. As… Continue Reading

This is the new Gmail design

The Verge: A new sidebar includes Google Calendar alongside messages: “Google revealed yesterday that it’s planning to launch a new Gmail design in the coming weeks. The refreshed design will appear for Gmail users on the web, bringing it closer to the company’s tweaks for Gmail on mobile devices. The Verge has obtained screenshots of… Continue Reading

Variety – Facebook Under Fire: How Privacy Crisis Could Change Big Data Forever

Variety: “…The scandal in a nutshell: Cambridge Analytica, a U.K.-based political data analytics firm, illicitly procured the data of 50 million Facebook users — without their knowledge or consent — and then enlisted that to inform voter-targeting strategies for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. It wasn’t a hack per se. But both Facebook and Cambridge Analytica… Continue Reading

DOJ Revives Push to Mandate a Way to Unlock Phones

The New York Times: “Federal law enforcement officials are renewing a push for a legal mandate that tech companies build tools into smartphones and other devices that would allow access to encrypted data in criminal investigations. F.B.I. and Justice Department officials have been quietly meeting with security researchers who have been working on approaches to… Continue Reading

Zuckerberg apologizes defers to audit outcome accepts possible misuse by Russians while whistleblower details data gathering

Follow up to previous postings this week – Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, the 2016 Election, and a colossal misappropriation of social media data – Implications of Cambridge Analytica scandal widen in scope as do responses – updated – and NYT, Guardian – How Trump Consultants Exploited the Facebook Data of Millions – tonight Axios highlights the… Continue Reading

Agencies Struggling to Respond to FOIA Requests for Email

National Security Archive audit results: One in Three Agencies Have Yet to Acknowledge 11-Month-Old FOIA Request; Three Years After Clinton Case Brought Government Email to National Attention, Agencies Still Behind the Curve; FOIA Offices Demand Unnecessary Information to Conduct Simple Email Searches without Consulting IT Departments. “Two out of five federal agencies claimed that they… Continue Reading