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Category Archives: E-Mail

Senate Judiciary Cmte releases first round of Kavanaugh’s White House documents

The Hill: “The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday publicly released its first tranche of documents from Brett Kavanaugh’s work in the George W. Bush White House. The batch being released, totaling more than 5,700 pages, is part of more than 125,000 pages given to the committee last week by the George W. Bush Presidential Library.… Continue Reading

GAO – Urgent Actions Are Needed to Address Cybersecurity Challenges Facing the Nation

Urgent Actions Are Needed to Address Cybersecurity Challenges Facing the Nation, GAO-18-645T: Published: Jul 25, 2018. Publicly Released: Jul 25, 2018. “GAO has identified four major cybersecurity challenges and 10 critical actions that the federal government and other entities need to take to address them. GAO continues to designate information security as a government-wide high-risk… Continue Reading

Whistleblower’s guilty plea and unmistakable trail of watermarks

Axios: “Reality Winner has pleaded guilty: “All of my actions I did willfully, meaning I did so of my own free will,” she told a court on Tuesday, per the New York Times‘ report. The former Air Force linguist earned the distinction of being the first person prosecuted by the Trump administration on charges of… Continue Reading

Guide walks you through steps to sort and delete sets of Gmail messages

TechRepublic – Andy Wolber: “You might want to mass delete email from Gmail for many reasons: To remove non-work-related messages from an account, to achieve “inbox zero” as part of a personal productivity effort, or—more mundanely—to reduce the storage space used by attachments. Some people pursue #NoEmail—and start to treat email as an ephemeral communication… Continue Reading

Federal Cybersecurity Risk Determination Report and Action Plan

NextGov: “Many federal agencies don’t know how hackers are targeting them, can’t tell when hackers steal large amounts of their data and aren’t efficiently spending the cybersecurity money they have, according to a report and action plan released last week. Roughly three-quarters of federal agencies’ cybersecurity programs are currently “at risk” or “at high risk,”… Continue Reading

60 Minutes – How Did Google Get So Big?

60 Minutes reports on the power of Google, a company whose critics say has stifled competition – “This past week the Federal Trade Commission was asked to investigate the data collected by Google on its Android operating system, which powers most of the world’s smartphones. It was a tiny blip in the news cycle but another… Continue Reading

Guide to Gmail’s new ‘confidential mode’

Business Insider: “Confidential mode is available to users with personal accounts who opted into the new version of Gmail last month, when Google announced the latest changes to its email application. Some of the new Gmail features were available right from the start, but others — like confidential mode — are rolling out more slowly.… Continue Reading

NBC – Google sells the future, powered by your personal data

NBC News: Personal data collection practices are in the hot seat. So why isn’t Google, which collects more data than Facebook, feeling the heat? The more Google products you use, the more Google can gather about you. Whether it’s Gmail, the Android smartphone operating system, YouTube, Google Drive, Google Maps, and, of course, Google Search… Continue Reading

What You Need to Know About E-Fail and the PGP Flaw

EFF: “…you should stop using PGP for encrypted email and switch to a different secure communications method for now. A group of researchers released a paper today that describes a new class of serious vulnerabilities in PGP (including GPG), the most popular email encryption standard. The new paper includes a proof-of-concept exploit that can allow… Continue Reading

Activists request that government disable Gmail’s new ‘Self Destruct’ feature

Gmail’s ‘Self Destruct’ Feature Will Probably Be Used to Illegally Destroy –  Government Records Activists have asked Google to disable the feature on government accounts. “A new update rolling out for Gmail offers a “self destruct” feature that allows users to send messages that expire after a set amount of time. While this may sound… Continue Reading