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Category Archives: E-Mail

Workplace monitoring is everywhere. Here’s how to stop algorithms ruling your office

ZDNet – A new report lays out five recommendations to protect us from the rapid rise of automated workplace-monitoring and decision-making tools…The group’s report, The New Frontier: Artificial Intelligence at Work, came as the European Commission’s Joint Research Council published separate research on electronic monitoring and surveillance in the workplace. It too found that explosive growth… Continue Reading

You Are the Object of a Secret Extraction Operation

New York Times Opinion, Dr. Shoshana Zuboff, professor emeritus at Harvard Business School and the author of The Age of Surveillance Capitalism –  “Facebook is not just any corporation. It reached trillion-dollar status in a single decade by applying the logic of what I call surveillance capitalism — an economic system built on the secret… Continue Reading

The Internet’s Unkillable App

The Atlantic, by Dave Pell: “The noisier our digital lives get, the more popular the humble newsletter becomes. The Romans brought the newsletter into existence. Later, in the Middle Ages, newsletters became common forms of communication among extended families, traders, and those looking to share information in a format that eventually led to what we… Continue Reading

Employee experiences of enterprise software have huge impact on user adoption

Tech Republic: “A Gartner survey of professionals who use tech products and services in their day-to-day work reveals that 60% report being frustrated with business software in the past 24 months. Those very same users, the report said, can kick off a word-of-mouth chain reaction that influences software adoption across an entire company. The Gartner… Continue Reading

You’re one of 125,698,496 people pwned in the LinkedIn Scraped Data data breach

“You signed up for notifications when your account was pwned in a data breach and unfortunately, it’s happened. Here’s what’s known about the breach: Education levels, Email addresses, Genders, Geographic locations, Job titles, Names, Social media profiles. During the first half of 2021, LinkedIn was targeted by attackers who scraped data from hundreds of millions… Continue Reading

Companies are hoarding personal data about you

Washington Post – Here’s how to get them to delete it [many caveats here…this may not be possible even in a limited manner] – “Companies are hoarding personal data about you. Here’s how to get them to delete it. Data deletion is complicated, and some companies mishandle requests. But it doesn’t hurt to ask…” Continue Reading

Stop Using the Same Password on Multiple Sites! No. Really

PCMag: “When you reuse passwords, a hacker can access multiple services, which might explain why many of our survey respondents have been victims of cybercrimes. If there’s anything we repeat constantly at PCMag, it’s the need for everyone to take cybersecurity seriously. And while that is arguably on the upswing, a large swath of the… Continue Reading