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Category Archives: E-Mail

News Corp. hacked, reporters targeted; believed China-linked

Lexington Herald Leader: “News Corp., publisher of The Wall Street Journal, said Friday that it had been hacked and had data stolen from journalists and other employees, and a cybersecurity firm investigating the intrusion said Chinese intelligence-gathering was believed behind the operation. The Journal, citing people briefed on the intrusion, reported that it appeared to… Continue Reading

Now Is a Good Time to Update Your Recovery Email Addresses

Wired: “You know those “emergency” email addresses you can use to get into your email and other accounts in case you’re locked out? Make sure they’re up-to-date…With an abundance of password managers, browsers, and mobile operating systems all making it easy, and more apps adopting fingerprint or face recognition support, logging into our numerous accounts… Continue Reading

Should I email, text, or call? Researchers have discovered the answer to an age-old question

Fast Company: “Whatever you do, don’t email. Or text. That is, if you want someone to actually help you. A new research paper finds that in-person communication is the most successful way to get the assistance you need. Should that not be an option, a phone call or video call are second best. “In-person requests… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, November 28, 2021

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, November 28, 2021 – Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly… Continue Reading

Amazon Web Services (AWS): A cheat sheet

TechRepublic: “The rise of cloud computing provides businesses the ability to quickly provision computing resources without the costly and laborious task of building data centers, and without the costs of running servers with underutilized capacity due to variable workloads. Amazon Web Services was the first large vendor of easily affordable cloud infrastructure and services, and… Continue Reading

New ABA Legal Fact Check explores conflict over presidential executive privilege

“A new ABA Legal Fact Check released [November 17, 2021] examines whether a former U.S. president can constitutionally assert executive privilege to block the release of presidential documents held by the National Archives and Records Administration and subpoenaed by Congress. The question of whether former President Donald Trump has a legal basis to block a… Continue Reading