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Category Archives: E-Mail

The Law Firm of the Future: Improving Communication in the Legal Setting

American Bar Association – “Senior lawyers may recall a time when we generally connected with each other via telephone calls, the U.S. Postal Service, or face-to-face meetings. In light of the numerous communication options now available, life is no longer so simple. Most importantly, choosing the wrong platform can lead to ineffective or failed communication.… Continue Reading

COVID-19 Archive Prototype

Our COVID-19 Archive aims to aggregate digitized documents related to the the initial phases of the pandemic. To start, we have processed the emails of Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. They are now divided into individual emails, which can be searched and sorted with the original metadata… Continue Reading

EMail Innovation Timeline

Computer History Museum: “This timeline reflects the history of computer-mediated human communications (any human communication that occurs through the use of two or more electronic devices), the events that led up to the development of electronic mail (email), and its commercialization. It is intended for use by researchers and academics interested in the technical evolution… Continue Reading

Analysis Of The Importance Of Gmail For Ediscovery

hanzo / David Ruel: “Organizations that use Gmail for business communications need a way to preserve and extract discoverable information in the event of litigation. But that’s harder than it would appear at first glance. This is the first in a three-part blog series explaining: why Gmail data is an important data source for modern… Continue Reading

Microsoft shares workarounds for Outlook crashing after launch

Bleeping Computer: “Microsoft is investigating customer reports of a known issue causing Outlook for Microsoft 365 to freeze and crash right after opening. According to a new support document published by Redmond on Thursday, these Outlook desktop client crashes will be automatically logged and can be confirmed by checking the Windows Event Viewer Application Log… Continue Reading

How to find out if you are involved in a data breach and what to do next

ZDNet: “Think you’ve been involved in a data breach? This guide will help you find out where and when, and it lists the steps you should take next. Data breaches are security incidents we now hear about every day. They strike every industry, every sector, every county; victim organizations can be everything from small, independent… Continue Reading

Why The Massive China Police Database Hack Is Bad News For Surveillance States Everywhere

TechDirt: “A couple of weeks ago, Techdirt wrote about how an anonymous user had put up for sale the data of an estimated one billion Chinese citizens, probably obtained from the Shanghai police.  Back then, what exactly had happened was a little unclear — not least because the Chinese authorities were shutting down any discussion… Continue Reading

What is end-to-end encryption?

Mashable: “One easy way to up your privacy game and communicate securely online is to start using apps that utilize end-to-end encryption. End-to-end encryption prevents any bad actors from picking up your messages in between you and the person you’re sending a message to. Basically, end-to-end encryption means that your messages are for your eyes… Continue Reading

Gmail’s new search tweaks will make sure you’re emailing the right person

The Verge: “Google’s improving Gmail’s search results, which should make it easier to find a specific contact. In a blog post, Google explains it’s rolling out “intent matching for names and email addresses,” as well as new “personalized suggestions” in Gmail. With intent matching, a machine learning tool Google uses to help you find topics… Continue Reading