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Category Archives: E-Government

Links to health departments in all 50 states and US territories

With states and localities re-opening and summer travel underway, it is important to check the restrictions that may be in place before you decide to plan a trip near or far away. “Looking for the website of a state or territorial health department? The resources here link to health departments in all 50 states, 8… Continue Reading

Supreme Court says generic domains like can be trademarked

ars technica: “The US Patent and Trademark Office erred by finding the term was too generic for trademark protection, the Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday. Trademark law prohibits anyone from registering generic terms that describe a class of products or services. Anyone can start a store company called “The Wine Company,” but they can’t… Continue Reading

Many Americans See Exaggeration, Conspiracy Theories and Partisanship in COVID-19 News

“As Americans continue to process a steady flow of information about the coronavirus outbreak – from changing infection and death rates to new testing protocols and evolving social distancing guidelines – they give the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other public health organizations the highest rating when it comes to getting the facts… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends Weekly highlights on cyber security issues June 27, 2020

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends Weekly highlights on cyber security issues June 27, 2020 – Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly… Continue Reading

Judiciary Launches Redesigned PACER Website

“The Administrative Office of the U.S Courts on June 28 will launch a redesigned informational website for the Judiciary’s electronic court records system, known as PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records). The new PACER website includes features that will make it easier for users to learn how to navigate the system, find what they are looking… Continue Reading

Large Case Examination Selection Method Consistently Results in High No-Change Rates

Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) – The Large Case Examination Selection Method Consistently Results in High No-Change Rates June 22, 2020. Reference Number: 2020-30-031: “The IRS compiles Tax Gap data to periodically update appraisals of the nature and extent of tax payment noncompliance for use in formulating tax administration strategies. The IRS estimates… Continue Reading

Legislative Responses for Policing-State Bill Tracking Database

“The National Conference of State Legislatures provides you with up-to-date, real-time information on law enforcement legislation that has been introduced in the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The database contains policing bills and executive orders introduced as of May 25, 2020, that are in response to recent events. You can search legislation for by… Continue Reading

New annual report from Information Security Oversight Office

2019 Report to the President – Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO), June 2020: “…Our Government’s ability to protect and share Classified National Security Information and Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) continues to present serious challenges to our national security. While dozens of agencies now use various advanced technologies to accomplish their missions, a majority of them… Continue Reading

Almost One in Four Adult Workers is Vulnerable to Severe Illness from COVID-19

KFF – “As states and employers continue to reopen businesses and public offices, important decisions are being made about how to keep workers safe from becoming infected with coronavirus at work or on their commutes to and from their homes. In addition, outbreaks of coronavirus at some businesses, such as food processing facilities and long-term… Continue Reading

CDC Finally Posts Guidelines for Activities as States Reopen

These guidelines were released on Friday, June 12, 2020. Yet around the country states and localities had previously ended restrictions on many activities, indoor and outdoor, as well as reopening of commerce – stores, restaurants, and other businesses. The CDC was far behind the curve in providing requisite federal guidelines prior to re-openings that have… Continue Reading

New Florida Community Coronavirus Dashboard posted independent of state control

Washington Post – “Tension built for days between Florida Department of Health supervisors and the department’s geographic information systems manager before officials showed her the door, she says, permanently pulling her off the coronavirus dashboard that she operated for weeks. Managers had wanted Rebekah Jones to make certain changes to the public-facing portal, she says.… Continue Reading

CIO Council report recommends improvements to federal IT hiring

FedScoop – “…More than 80% of the federal IT workforce is older than 40, per federal data cited in the report. Of the remaining population, just over 3% is younger than 30, and agencies continue to struggle to attract and hire younger IT talent to fill in this gap. The “Future of the Federal IT Workforce Update” report… Continue Reading