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Category Archives: E-Government

Library of Congress Virtual Public Forum

“The Library of Congress will be hosting a Virtual Public Forum on September 10, at 10:00 to 12:00 EST focusing on and the Library’s role in providing access to congressional information. This forum is part of the Library’s response to a congressional request to facilitate public input into the Library’s legislative information services and… Continue Reading

A Record 75% of Americans Can Vote by Mail in 2020

The New York Times: “About three-quarters of all American voters will be eligible to receive a ballot in the mail for the 2020 election — the most in U.S. history, according to a New York Times analysis. If recent election trends hold and turnout increases, as experts predict, roughly 80 million mail ballots will flood… Continue Reading

VoteByMail simplifies the state absentee-ballot signup process

“COVID-19 has catalyzed interest in absentee voting. streamlines government absentee-ballot applications by digitizing the voter’s signup process. VoteByMail is a Civex Inc project. We are a non-partisan Organization that empowers voters, letting them decide when, how and where they vote.” Continue Reading

Washington Post tracking coronavirus’s spread across the U.S.

“There’s a lot that we know or are learning about the coronavirus, but two seemingly basic questions are still difficult to answer: How many people have been infected with the virus and how many have been killed by it? That’s where Jacqueline Dupree comes in. Dupree, a technologist on The Post’s News Logistics team, has… Continue Reading

Find a Member of Congress by Address on

In Custodia Legis: “In June, Margaret shared that we had added district maps to member profile pages on Each map on a member profile can be expanded to show a larger size version of the map. With today’s update to, we build upon the district maps by adding a new search box to help you… Continue Reading

FDA Reiterates Warning About Dangerous Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers Containing Methanol

7/27/2020 PRESS RELEASE – Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Reiterates Warning About Dangerous Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers Containing Methanol, Takes Additional Action to Address Concerning Products – “Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update: FDA Reiterates Warning About Dangerous Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizers Containing Methanol, Takes Additional Action to Address Concerning Products – Agency Urges Consumers, Health Care Professionals Not to Use… Continue Reading

White House Tells EPIC to Delete COVID-19 Records, EPIC Declines

“In an unusual development, the White House directed EPIC this week to delete a set of records that EPIC recently obtained from the Office of Science & Technology Policy—a request which EPIC declined. On Tuesday, EPIC published hundreds of records about the White House’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and proposals to use location data… Continue Reading

Coronavirus Numbers Confusing You? Here’s How to Make Sense of Them

NextGov: “Turn on the TV news, or look at a news website, and you’ll see charts, graphics, and dashboards that supposedly indicate the latest with COVID-19 – statistics revealing the number of tests, cases, hospitalizations and deaths, along with where they happened and whether they are rising or falling. Different stories are told depending on… Continue Reading

White House reportedly orders hospitals to bypass CDC during COVID-19 data collection

The Verge: “The Trump administration is now ordering hospitals to send coronavirus patient data to a database in Washington, DC as part of a new initiative that may bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), according to a report from The New York Times published on Tuesday. As outlined in a document posted… Continue Reading

Trump Administration Strips CDC of Control of Coronavirus Data

The New York Times – “The Trump administration has ordered hospitals to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and send all Covid-19 patient information to a central database in Washington beginning on Wednesday. The move has alarmed health experts who fear the data will be politicized or withheld from the public. The new… Continue Reading

Is Your State Doing Enough Coronavirus Testing?

The New York Times – “The number of daily coronavirus tests being conducted in the United States is only 36 percent of the level considered necessary to mitigate the spread of the virus, as many states struggle to ramp up testing and catch up to the recent surge in cases. An average of 656,000 people… Continue Reading