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Category Archives: E-Government

NYT Opinion – It Has Come to This: Ignore the CDC

The agency’s new guidelines are wrong, so states have to step up on their own to suppress the coronavirus. By Harold Varmus and Rajiv Shah. Harold Varmus is a former director of the National Institutes of Health. Rajiv Shah is the president of the Rockefeller Foundation. “We were startled and dismayed last week to learn… Continue Reading

How to Guide to Consumer Complaints by Product Type Learn how to submit a complaint about problems with specific products and services. Banks and Lender Complaints – Learn how to complain about a problem with a bank or a lending company, such as a mortgage provider. Car Complaints – Find out what to do when you want to complain about a defective car.… Continue Reading

How to Vote by Mail in Every State – Many states are set to allow voters to take part in the 2020 presidential election by mail amid the coronavirus pandemic: More Americans than ever are expected to vote by mail in this year’s presidential election as states attempt to make voting safer amid the global pandemic. Five states—Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington and… Continue Reading

USPS will suspend any policy or operational changes until after 2020 election

Gizmodo – House Releases Bill to Keep the USPS Alive Until After the Election Note – See previous posting on the issue – Oversight Cmte Calls Postmaster General to Testify at “Urgent” Hearing on Sweeping Operational and Organizational Changes; See Also a copy of the bill The Delivery for America Act Via Postmaster General Louis… Continue Reading

Cybersecurity expert – safest voting method is using paper

Bloomberg: “Election voting is the cybersecurity industry’s most difficult challenge, and casting ballots on paper is the safest option against any digital disruptions, says CrowdStrike Holdings co-founder and former Chief Technology Officer Dmitri Alperovitch. “Voting is the hardest thing to secure when it comes to cybersecurity,” Alperovitch said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday.… Continue Reading

Explore the Bound Congressional Record on

In Custodia Legis – Library of Congress: “We are excited to start adding the volumes of the Congressional Record (Bound Edition) (also referred to as the “Bound Congressional Record”) to If you’re not familiar with the Congressional Record, it is a record of the debate and proceedings that occur on the floor of Congress. It… Continue Reading

NARA’s Presidential Library Explorer

“Welcome to the NARA’s Presidential Library Explorer. Permanent records from presidential administrations are held by NARA at their respective Presidential Libraries. This visualization presents the holdings of the Presidential Libraries in descending order from the library the largest number of textual records to the smallest. Textual Records Scanned – As of August 2020, there are… Continue Reading

U.S. was ‘unprepared’ for ‘greatest public health crisis’ in a century

Washington Post – “Years of underinvestment in public health infrastructure left the United States “unprepared” for the coronavirus pandemic — the country’s greatest public health crisis in 100 years — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield said during an interview with WebMD on Wednesday. At least 163,000 people in the U.S. have… Continue Reading

When and how to vote in all 50 states

Axios: “Millions of Americans who normally vote in person on election day will turn to early voting or mail-in ballots this fall — but that only works if you understand your state’s election rules, deadlines and how to ensure your vote is counted. Driving the news: Axios is launching an interactive resource, built on research by RepresentUs,… Continue Reading

Something fundamental has changed about the ways Americans vote

The Atlantic: “Although it is slowly dawning on the press and the electorate that Election Day will be more like Election Week or Election Month this year, thanks to coronavirus-related complications, the blue shift remains obscure. But the effect could be much larger and far more consequential in 2020, as Democrats embrace voting by mail… Continue Reading